patashu antimatter dimensions guide

Post-Eternity IC4/IC5 strat: 1) M/D/G until you get stuck. 2. Do you know if doing ID3 after ID1 level 2 saves time overall, or just makes ID3 easier to get? The Time studies tab is like a skill tree that you pay for with Time Theorems (costing Antimatter, IP or EP) that you can respec every Eternity. This changes it to 'Buys until 10'. Reality complete, Analysing & experimenting. At this point you should hit 1.8e8 IP/min or higher. Now that we understand how Autobuyers work mechanically, let's continue our grind to higher and higher IPs. How do you handle those very end game moments? Thanks! I can read pretty well. > > I just did ID3 myself. You'll probably need 2 galaxies. At this point it is probably 56, but later it can be even lower. 0/17/38, 20, 6.6e24 (8 minute runs for 8e23/min). This will get all challenge times to 0.02-0.06. * bulk buy x128 for 1-2 I changed the galaxies to 2 and activated the last row as well. Is. **1E9 IP** My experience with Antimatter Dimensions. **TO 200 IP, THEN TO 1000 IP** If you reach within a couple hundred exponents of 11111, you should be at e11111 within reasonable time. This is because everything you can buy gives a multiplicative boost, and every cost also increases multiplicatively - so both antimatter produced and antimatter cost to buy things are exponential. From messing around with galaxy autobuyer settings, I could get it to 4.1s, but that is the best I could get. Lastly that leaves Tickspeed Autobuyer. So I just got the tickspeed challenge down to 1.268-1.354 seconds with dimboost set to 0, auto galaxies off, dimension autobuyers set to 1/2/3/3/3/3/1/1, and tickspeed autobuyer buying max set to 4. 13. * 'I brake for NOBODY!' And by continuing to save up unspent IP and buying Autobuyer upgrades past this point, you will be able to push it as low as 0.8 seconds. Manually buy 1 of each dimension in order. We strongly urge all our users to upgrade to modern browsers for a better experience and improved security. Let's say you are at 1.8e8IP/min after the two tickspeed upgrades, it will take you 9.25 hours for ID1 level 2 and 1.75 hours to ID3 afterwards, for a total of 11 hours. > But I have a feeling that I'm missing some tweaks that'd make it much stronger. > At least 10 Eternities, set max dimboost interval to 0.1, max galaxies to 0.5, then hold down m? 0) Set dim sac to 1e30, bulk boost buy to 10, turn off all dim (NOT tickspeed) autobuyers. ID3 only took me 1h45m compared to your 8h. (at least in firefox). (If you followed the guide though, this is already complete!) I got all available upgrades except beating IC1. Set Automatic Dimboosts to 0/8, Automatic Galaxies to 10 and disable Automatic Big Crunch. (Again, we are not doing any boosts at all - only buying 6 galaxies, waiting ~1-2 seconds, then cashing in all of our IP. Go back to the Big Crunch Challenge, except instead of doing 1 galaxy, automate 1 boost and do 1 dimensional sacrifice with good manual timing, otherwise spamming 'Max all', and it will get to the 1.3-1.4 second range. "This guide is about getting through Antimatter Dimensions as fast as possible." * 5 galaxy runs: Automatic Dimboosts set to 0/10, Automatic Galaxies set to 5, Automatic Big Crunch set to how much you make in 0.5-1.5 seconds after you hit 5 Galaxies. By the time you get back to 140 8th Dimensions, you now have a 10.6x bigger multiplier from Tickspeed boosts. * You didn't need it anyway - Reach Infinite antimatter without having any 8th dimensions. Buy as much dimensions 8 as you can (keep pressing "8"). (Note: I see people recommend getting 'Multiplier for 10 Dimensions 2x -> 2.2x' instead. If you can't, bulk buy as many dimension boosts as possible. Now buy 5e9 'Option to bulk buy Dimension Boosts' (gives about a 2x boost) then 1e10 'Multiply infinity points from all sources by 2 512x'. The guide is still right, wether you use it or not, and really, you really don't one when you can type on your keyboard for hotkeys. Until Infinity Point 5-6, it is **FASTER** to do a Challenge 8 (8th Dimension Autobuyer Challenge) run instead of a normal run. Then hold 8 to get the bonus for the 8th dimension as high as possible. (It's possible to get VERY bad rolls on the multipliers and actually LOSE production. 1.5 Steam Developer. patashu antimatter dimensions guide patashu antimatter dimensions . The challenge is that if you buy 10 of a dimension/tickspeed boost for a certain cost, anything else that had that cost will ALSO increase by the same amount. 1.6 Library Developer. Now we can do them SUPER fast. Probably kind of overpowered it, basicly using /u/1234abcdcba4321 strat without the MAX all button. 10. ~~Get an Autoclicker. You will earn more IP on Big Crunch the more antimatter you make. * 4: 6 Antimatter dimensions guide ng+++. Buy 'Multiply infinity points from all sources by 2 1024x' for 1e11. > *Originally posted by **[BrianBoitano](/forums/962410/topics/920919?page=1#11677515)**:* This way I didn't have to think much about 1st-3rd. Click on the 'Infinity' button and buy 'Production increases over time' for 1 IP. Cool! Also get Time Dimension 2 (TD2) when it is cheap. Maybe it'll be further along, who knows, but like, don't complain about the autoclicker, and please, *please*. OK, got it. 3) Then press 7654321, hold 8 and sacrifice. Due to set price increases until about e320, you can also follow this order until that point: > *Originally posted by **[countsuperc](/forums/962410/topics/920919?page=1#11696347)**:* Now let's look at the Tickspeed Autobuyer. Max all does not buy them, so buy them by hand ASAP. Step 3:Then press 76543218 (hold 8) and sacrifice. It's probably best to do after getting the 5e11IP Galaxies upgrade but I got impatient. * 6: 10 Smash that button, and the nature of the game will change - you can now continue PAST 1.8e308 antimatter. If it doesn't work, try all performance tips in Preface. 13. Do manual boosts if you get stuck and eventually the challenge will succeed. Get more time studies, continuing to go down the right path. Crunch at galaxy 35 - they'll take about 24 minutes and give 1.69e54 IP for 6.9e52IP/min. **CHALLENGES** * 3rd Dimension Autobuyer: Trivial. Unlike in Patashu's guide, you can set auto tickspeed on buy1. Hide the progress bar forever? /u/dhoffryn recommends 1/3/3/3/3/3/3/2/2. Let the run continue (doing dimensional sacrifices at appropriate moments). Click on the 'Challenges' button. You can do it even before you break infinity, even as early as just after your first Infinity but it will take ~24 hours.) If not, you'll have to make do with constantly checking manually. > *Originally posted by **[JakubC5](/forums/962410/topics/920919?page=1#11653334)**:* Replicanti have offline progression. * Spreading Cancer: Go to options and change notation to Cancer, wait until you get it, then change it back to Scientific. What does this mean for me? Step 1 : keep all your autobuyers on and go as high as it can. Regarding IC4 For me it looks like some TYPO with this 1e80. Your use of Kongregates Services is subject to our revised Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Sprung forward after a few tries. Spend them on the left side. Now you have the Dimensional Sacrifice autobuyer and Dimensional Sacrificers are MUCH more powerful. submitted 1 year ago * by Patashu - announcement. Once you have 2nd Infinity Dimension and the 1e9 'Multiply infinity points from all sources by 2 256x' you should have Automatic DimBoosts on 0/8, Automatic Galaxies on 10 and big crunch for 1.29e7 IP after 23.2 seconds, for 3.34e7 IP/min. Once you have another 1e7 IP + change, buy 'Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run'. Starting at 3e203 IP, you can do a one replicanti galaxy (RG) run that reaches e45000 antimatter and g70 to unlock ID6. Since I did this part of the guide when IC rewards were stronger, I don't have any numbers or sense of progression to go on. 1.2 Technical Architect. We'll start by looking at the 1st Dimension Autobuyer. 15%. 5. Give yourself a pat on the back when you get it. Doing this resets all your previous progress, but these upgrades are powerful and currently mandatory for progression. > Continue to do runs until you start with 7th Dimension and the next DimBoost/Galaxy/Big Crunch autobuyer upgrade costs 128 IP. > Ah, my bad, forgot to mention that. Set auto dimboost to 0 and 18 (can be slightly different for you). When this strategy stops working out for you, move to the semi automatic part. 3 3 6 2 . You need 308 for 1 EP, 349 for 2, 426 for 3, 481 for 4, 524 for 5 and so on. After a while it will hit 3x super fast, then 5x super fast, then 10x super fast, etc. Spend your hard earned kreds on some of these games! Do you mean achievements like. "Do you really need a guide for this? At first this number will be 10, but later it will be 20, 50, 100 and so on. Obviously, in incremental games, you will always eventually get what you want, but there are fast and slow ways. ), and have all Autobuyers unlocked. > When you mention the 'Blink of an Eye' challenge, could you please add that another reason it might not work is wrong dimension autobuy priorities? CONSIGN YOUR RV. '2x bulk purchase' means that after buying this upgrade, it will try to buy dimensions twice every time it activates. Press in order 12345678. So we are currently at the point in the game, excluding grinding on-hand IP, where there is no easy way. (You'll have a sum of about 10-12 seconds.) Essentially this is a superexponential loop, serving the same purpose Galaxy 2 did in your initial run. The AD -1 dilmod, which is of course a mod of the game antimatter dimensions. * Automated Galaxies: Trivial. Start the challenge in question, and use the M trick Each Dimension will operate 2x multiplicatively faster every time you buy 10 of it. You may have reached the next boost. Vary 'Amount of IP to wait until' by +/- 10% at a time, and keep checking Statistics > past infinities to see what the IP/min is of each strategy. > Just got the "Is This Safe" achievement at IE285. I went to ID3 after ID1 level 2 and the Multiply IP by 2 to 1024, it took me a bit under two hours. This guide is about getting through AD-1 Dilmod as fast as possible. Auto sacrifice can be on, with any reasonable value you'd like. Several runs later, you'll have 1e300 IP and can get Max Replicanti galaxies: 5. 8. (Unfortunately you can't tell it to, say, buy the first X boosts at once, then every boost beyond that one at a time.) Could you please also explain what threshold you are talking about? We strongly urge all our users to upgrade to modern browsers for a better experience and improved security. I have not used any autoclickers, but at this stage that would not do anything for me I guess. Neither strat feels complete, though. If you go for ID3 first it will take you 8 hours + 6 hours (at 2.7e8IP/min) for a total of 14 hours. They can be viewed in the Info modal, or after beating the game. Kongregate Patashu's Anti-mater Dimensions Guide, post thine opinions over this discussion rack otherwise read fellow gamers' opinions. (The fact that your Dimension multipliers are higher than they used to be means that you'll regain all of your 1st-7th galaxies much faster than you ever could before, so the time spent rebuilding your dimensions from well timed Sacrifices is minimal.) Try each of these strategies. My number of replicanti resets when I infinity, which this achievement makes it sound like shouldn't happen. Step 1 : keep all your autobuyers on and go as high as it can. * 'How the antitables have turned' - You can get this during the end of a Challenge 8 run. Yes When you mention the 'Blink of an Eye' challenge, could you please add that another reason it might not work is wrong dimension autobuy priorities? Antimatter dimensions time studies guide. The way dimension boost bulk buy works is that it will wait until it can buy that many dimension boosts at once, and then buy them all at once. ID3 only took me 1h45m compared to your 8h. Once you can easily get to galaxy 8 with 0 boosts, something surprising happens - it's now optimal for IP/min grinding to get to galaxy 8 without boosting, max boost in galaxy 8 and then crunch for 2.3e6 IP (automatic dimboosts 0/8, automatic galaxies 8). It appears its the auto setup buyiong galaxies before I can big crunch. > Buy everything costing 5e3 EP or less, then do a 'long' (5-10 minute) run to buy TTs to fill out pink path > *Originally posted by **[NamelessMinion](/forums/962410/topics/920919?page=2#11772359)**:* Finally your IP/min rate will be shooting through the roof with all of these benefits combined. It now has a field 'Amount of IP to wait until reset'. Whenever you can get another galaxy, do it. Finally once you have bought 'Infinity point generation (based on fastest infinity)' and have at least 10 unspent IP, spend some time to get your fastest infinity as fast as possible. **Edit:** Fixed an oversight where I was recommending to max dimensions 765 too early. Beat in eggs, one at a time, scraping down bowl as needed. To do this, get 5 IP of upgrades, 2 galaxies and the 185 8th Dimensions dimensional boost, then instead of autoclicking 'Max all', autoclick tickspeed Buy max and the Until 10 for each dimension. Remember to set big crunch to 1e200 IP. X If you have '4.69e10 'Tickspeed cost multipler increase 4x -> 3x'' and everything cheaper it takes 8 hours. Now buy 9.38e9 'Tickspeed cost multiplier increase 5x -> 4x'. Anyway, Hevipelle is fine with it, so I don't expect it to go away. The cost increases of tickspeed upgrades and dimensions starts increasing faster and faster past 1.8e308, meaning you will be effectively stuck around 6 galaxies, and by doing a long run can push to 7 galaxies. holding down the 'M' key on your keyboard will automatically use Max All. You will always be able to play your favorite games on Kongregate. 1. Not bad! (Also, NOW you can buy 'Generate 5% of your fastest infinity IP/min' if you desire.) Quest and earn an exclusive shiny kongpanion + 10 kreds 3. You should be able to get every challenge down to 0.69 seconds or faster, bumping 'Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run' up to 4373x! Now you earn IP/s 10% as fast as you can earn IP/s by playing actively! We will do so using our Autoclicker, Automatic DimBoosts (set to 56 max 8ths or even lower later. Then just press 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 once to get all dimensions. Using these powerful upgrades resets all progress up until that point, leaving you only with the new upgrade - but they are so powerful at the start of the game that is is mandatory to buy all of them. Until the end of IC5 (Galaxy 20, or 1270 8th Dimension) use /u/hchan1 strat: Turn off bulk buy in Autobuyers, turn off autobuy for tickspeed, then set 2nd through 7th dimension autobuyers to single buys only. Finally you can go offline and come back to a meaningful form of progress. **5E11 IP, INFLATION ERA** ID3 level 1 is great to have for Infinity Challenge 1 though. If it's still too slow just get more IP first. Then just press 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 once to get all dimensions. * Minimize infinity challenge times: Same as above but leave infinity broken, leave dimboost buyer on (just for dimensional shifts) and spam M. IC4 needs ~8 galaxies, IC8 needs ~13 galaxies. 1.7 Developers. If you missed it the first opportunity, this is the last chance you get for a long time. Discover, share and add your . 3. Wiki Content Community Terminology Edit In Antimatter Dimensions and this Wiki, there may be confusing Terminology that you never knew about. > Obviously, in incremental games, you will always eventually get what you want, but there are fast and slow ways. Now your runs should take 7.2 seconds and earn 1.44e7 IP, for 1.2e8 IP/min. I'm currently trying to reach 1e9 ip and it wil take me a lot of time, and then it will take me forever to reach 1e10. Anyone clear on what this achievement does? So that's why I ask 'what is the optimal order to buy everything in'. > > *Originally posted by **[Patashu](/forums/962410/topics/920919?page=1#11655353)**:* On Firefox the enter trick and autoclicker don't work as well. Finally you can buy levels of 'Multiply infinity points from all sources by 2'. 2. I'll one-up that: Turn off Automatic Big Crunch. are any of the achievements you DONT mention can be completed naturally? * Easy strat: Sacrifice at 3.00x or above Alternate grinding EP/min and doing long runs for more TTs, continuing down the middle part in 3-way fork 2 and then finally the white 'diamond' at the end, steadily raising the X IP you crunch at (to as high as x1e55), buying x5 EP multipliers and spending spare EP on time dimensions when they are cheap. > can someone explain this a bit better? I figure 10 minutes is easily doable. > Yeah obviously ID3 gets faster the longer you wait before doing it, but ID3 gives a production boost of 1.5x that will help you push to those other production increasing upgrades. 1.1 Creator. > > Ah, my bad, forgot to mention that. Acronyms : TT= Time Theorem, TS= Time Study, TD= Time Dimension, EP= Eternity Points, AM= Antimatter, IP= Infinity Points Thank you and everyone else who worked on the original AD. I couldn't get faster than 3 seconds. > *Originally posted by **[NamelessMinion](/forums/962410/topics/920919?page=2#11772359)**:* **1E7 IP, CHALLENGES REVISITED** When it crosses into grey area of the site's own ToS, or even blatantly breaking its rules is when it's a problem. I did not follow this guide on this, it is way faster to get ID1 to level 2 first. Anyone clear on what this achievement does? In this case, do a 36 galaxy run (takes 4-5 hours) and you will earn ~6.8e57 IP all at once! Buy lots of upgrades and ID levels because everything will be super cheap now. (Do NOT spend your first EP on a Time Theorem.) Hot. Set max dimboost interval 0.2, max galaxies interval 0.1 as you get those milestones. Thanks Patashu for the guide. If you can't, restart Step 3. It took me a little while to figure out the strats that were listed, and their differences. g There is also a checkbox 'Is active'. However, the complexity of the game has just shot up dramatically. 5. This is reported to give a 10-20% boost in early post infinity, and to later give no noticable benefit, so undo this trick in later sections. This will open up a new subtab, 'Infinity Dimensions', under Dimensions. When your next dimension 8 is above e11111, you can max dimensions 5,6 and 7 too. - Set dim 1 - 7 to buy singles. Finally I will reveal the reason why you wait this long to do Challenges - Because you bring ALL achievements and Infinity upgrades into your Challenge runs, EXCEPT for the 4th column of Infinity upgrades. * Automated Big Crunches: Slower with no special tactics. When you can't buy any more 8th dimensions, wait a second and do the same thing for the 7th dimension. You should press 'Buys singles' here to to set it to 'Buys max'. Using your explosive IP/min rate, buy 'Multiply infinite points from all sources by 2', 'Tickspeed cost multiplier increase 8x -> 7x' and 'Dimension cost multiplier increase 10x -> 9x' in that order. > > > Ah, my bad, forgot to mention that. Repeat this step until it's no longer autobuying any dimboosts or galaxies. > > > *Originally posted by **[JakubC5](/forums/962410/topics/920919?page=1#11653560)**:* Turn on 'Automatically retry challenges' under options * 7th Dimensional Autobuyer: Trivial although RNG dependent. We want to get this number as low as possible. Also get 'Yet another infinity reference' in high boost Galaxy 62. Several runs later you'll have 1.8e308 IP and are prompted to Eternity (but don't do it quite yet). Spam max all. /u/cerise256: Turn off all autobuyers. Just got the "Is This Safe" achievement at IE285. After a while of doing this, Autobuyers for dimensions and tickspeed will start to get cheap. Go to Autobuyers tab and set Automatic Dimboosts > Max 8ths used on reset to 11 - or even to 0 - now your fastest Infinity will suddenly go from 5-6 seconds to 1-2 seconds. Do it a second time, and after buying everything costing 1e58 IP or less, do Infinity Challenge 3 (takes 2 hours). > When you have 1.68e271 IP, a 4rg g81 run (~33 minutes per RG) will give you 1e60049 AM and crunch for 2.5e276 IP, meaning you can unlock but not yet purchase ID8. Autoclickers, but there are fast and slow ways be super cheap.... Basicly using /u/1234abcdcba4321 strat without the max all does not buy them, so I do n't do it over! A while of doing this resets all your autobuyers on and go as high patashu antimatter dimensions guide it can me! 9.38E9 'Tickspeed cost multiplier increase 5x - > 2.2x ' instead Smash that button and... Buy 'Production increases over time ' for 1e11 * my experience with antimatter dimensions as fast as.... 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patashu antimatter dimensions guide