nxivm branding video

Is a written description not enough? But also be aware that the FBI is very adept at obtaining search warrants when people do not voluntarily cooperate with them. He is not sorry for his conduct or his choices, Mr. Ranieres lawyers wrote in a court filing in September. His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents. reddit 41 44 The face of the woman was not in the photo. Officially, cauterizing machines are designed for the largely antiquated medical purpose of killing skin cells through targeted applications of heat, nearing 2,200 degrees, in order to stave off infections. No consent without the luxury of changing their minds and becoming plaintiffs in a civil suit. Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. Was this video used as a show of power to illustrate what keith could make happen? The source added quickly that this is not to imply there is any schism between Dr. Roberts and Mr. Raniere. Oh thats very interesting, thank you CP. As if what we already know about the allegations against supposed NXIVM cult leader Keith Raniere and one of the high-ranking. I think our subconscious or something could be monitored with the electrode things on our head. Im unable to post a link here but it is available at several places on the internet including patents.justia.com and Google patents. You are not required to talk to them and it is often advisable to consult with an attorney before speaking with an FBI agent or, for that matter, any law enforcement agent. Out of respect. After all this time, supposedly reading up on NXIVM, you still have no idea what youre talking about. But, as US Attorney Richard Donoghue said in a 2018 statement, Raniere created a secret society of women whom he had sex with and branded with his initials, coercing them with the threat of releasing their highly personal information and taking their assets.. Between January and May 2017, Roberts used a cauterizing tool to brand 18 of her fellow female followers as part of an initiation ritual. No one wants to see the victims of Keith Raniere put under undue stress or charged criminally. Though one does not learn branding while studying to be a doctor, Roberts said, Did going through medical school give me certain skills? each of the students was seated in front of bright lights, wired to electrodes and subjected to what Murray himself described as vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive interrogations, during which members of his research team would attack the student subjects ideals and beliefs. https://www.nytimes.com/article/nxivm-timeline.html. And sift the flaccid asshole. As someone with trauma and years of living in fight or flight mode, these types of videos alongside movies like Hannibal or damn, even the Scream movie empire. [Read our coverage of Keith Ranieres sentencing.]. The sisterhood, which was billed as an empowerment group, comprised circles, each led by a master who recruited slaves. In time, the subordinates also recruited their own slaves.. I will begin with the wholly unnecessary and very suspect Human Fright Experiment conducted on behalf of NXIVM for reasons that remain unclear. CAPITAL REGION, N.Y. ( NEWS10) The doctor responsible for branding women in the Capital Region sex cult, NXIVM, has to turn over her medical license to the . I think Keith is a brilliant man and that DOS is a tremendous organization, she told The Post during an exclusive interview. It also included a tribute to Keith for the use of his practices, and symbols relating to spiritual ascension and self-mastery, she said. and our They are surrounded by 13 masked men, purportedly hitmen from the Los Zetas, a Mexican criminal syndicate, with their rifles pointed at them. I had no idea about Kaczinskis experience at Harvard, nor that he entered there at 16?!! My Dad drilled several things into my siblings and me: (1) Never talk to the police without representation. Years ago, National Geographic removed their myriad of pictures of bare-breasted women on their pages. Raniere is exactly where he needs to be. If there is, she seems much less pressed about it this time. If he called, during the time or texted understand that was Karen Unterreiners phone. Roberts began by stenciling the insignia, using carbon paper and a stylus, just below the womans left hip, she said. I was mortified and told him that it was not truthful in how they spun it. Nevertheless, she added, My employer would not renew my contract.. The people of Waukee Iowa deserve to know the ghoul who haunts their community. Plus, he was willing to let his wife die of cancer because of Vanguards ethics. In a letter to the court, Ms. Mack apologized to the people she had brought into D.O.S. For instance, one of Mr. Ranieres supporters argues, If Keith were to advise Dr. Roberts to swap brains between two people and she did it when he was not there, she is to blame for not knowing this is illegal. Couldnt blame you if so. I will, as usual, be happy to post any comments she wishes to make in their entirety. Glazer is going to crucify these fools in court. This password will be used to sign into all, Allison Mack Reportedly Told Sex-Cult Victim to Be a Good Slave, The Art of the Scam: A Streaming and Reading Guide to Cults, Allison Mack Provided Tape of Keith Raniere NXIVM Brand Plan. He received 120 years, effectively life, in prison. Or blurring? Edmondson fled Nxivm shortly after her March 2017 branding and is one of the few members to speak on the record about her experience, first in The New York Times' Oct. 17 expos and now in A&E . We want to see it. It certainly didnt do him any good. She also said that she has "come to terms with the pain my actions have inflicted on so many people I love," perVanity Fair. You are a sniveling weasel who attacks a woman who was molested by Kieth when she was child. The mere fact that you report about this video, and its use by dD. \"It was horrific,\" she told Inside Edition. By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy and to receive email correspondence from us. Love and care. Interesting question. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en Mxico by Juan Alberto Vasquez. I wonder if that played into who he selected to participate? Damn I like the tits of this women. Im in agreement with you. []. Thats all they need to hear and they should shut the fuck up and let the court system work. It was done for the hell of it, for Ranieres amusement. Then, women call at least hope or at least pretend that the males who want to see the video, are watching for altruistic or empathetic purposes. If it was to see which women would be open to sexual servitude, then rather than showing gang rape clips, group bj clips would have been shown. Sony and Marvel Studios may be working toward a similar goal from different ends. Youve earned it. Consider removing that. The story of the NXIVM cult, founded by the now-imprisoned "guru" Keith Raniere, has remained headline news ever since details of his abusive sex ring emerged. "It was beautiful," said the 40-year-old, who herself was branded with the. Suneel Chakravorty and I are engaged in a war of words. Keith was trying to build an army and he thought he was figuring out how to find these people. In the beginning, it was billed as a self-help program for "dreamers with deep pockets," writes Berman. Mack was one of several specially selected NXIVM members chosen to become "masters," who would recruit additional women into the group as "slaves.". I looked presentable because it was very meaningful to me. The other women were necessary in order to hold down the person being branded. As always, glad to have a forum to discuss these matters freely. . The Sarah Edmondson branding video was edited and released by NXIVM as a propaganda tool to discount Sarah Edmondsons testimony at Ranieres trial. Now you might understand why I object to medical experiments with nonconsensual or coerced test subjects. The actress Allison Macks role in the Nxivm subgroup D.O.S. He entered Harvard in 1958 at age 16 and within a year was subject to dangerous brain study experiments. Please blur the sensitive parts of this cover picture. Thank God, the Divine or good fortune, these women were able to get out and move forward with their lives. A state Department of Health hearing committee. my god have some integrity some dignity .. show some respect for these women you utter piece of trash. Frank Parlato 11:28 am 5 Comments It is a matter of deep regret that I must advise my readers of photographs that were shown to the Frank Report of a woman who was branded. Like I requested. To Dr. Porter I know. I think Frank is taking the principled stand on this. Did I call on those skills? To protect the identity of this branded woman, who is one among many, I will not discuss the details of her brand further. No doubt dangerous for a teenager that was far away from parent supervision. Parlato has been prominently featured on HBOs docuseries The Vow and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discoverys The Lost Women of NXIVM. In addition, he was credited in the Starz docuseries 'Seduced' for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google , Brinks is clearly biased. Phone:(515) 222-3321 Email: frankparlato@gmail.com. Will the same commenters who are for showing this murder video on the Frank Report also be for showing Sarah Edmonsons branding video on the Frank Report? Tears came down her eyes. I havent watched it and Im not going to. It was beautiful, said the 40-year-old, who herself was branded with the insignia. While it isnt proven this had anything to do with Kaczynskis later problems with schizophrenia, I think it is reasonable to conclude that it might have. Waukee Police and Fire Department If something developed between us, I would have been open to it., In 2016 Roberts joined DOS. There is no box office numbers. Nothing in the University of Illinois experiment was as dramatic or graphic as a beheading. This film depicts actual death scene. What We Know About The NXIVM Cult's Horrific Branding Ceremonies. Most of the information was confidential and on a need-to-know basis.. This wasnt scientific research. Email: frankparlato@gmail.com, Reader asks about font face and Vegan branding practices, Reader: 11 red flags for detecting sociopaths reviewed in light of Raniere behavior. The cauterizing tool Roberts used to brand the women of NXIVM. Shame on you for leaving this up, Frank Parlato. [I] had a sensation somewhat akin to someone being strapped on the electric chair with these electrodes I really started getting hit real hard Wham, wham, wham! ( NEWS10) - A recording of Allison Mack and Keith Raniere discussing the branding process for several women involved in Raniere's cult NXIVM has been . She talked about being branded after going on a Hallmark audition., When asked for comment Edmondson told The Post via e-mail, My lawyer asked me to refrain from doing any media right now.. It just caused me to pause. Nxivm trial testimony ends with video of founder discussing child sex abuse. Subjects being forced to watch a male African American being viciously stamped by a Nazi; a conscious male being forced to eat a portion of his own brain matter; and a graphic gang rape are overblown. Its the murderers who should be dead! Whats next for Miles Morales? One of the victims was 15 years old when the abuse began. By 2018, her old co-worker Porter would find himself under investigation by New York states medical oversight board, charged with conducting fright studies for Raniere and NXIVM. India and Catherine Oxenberg discuss the Nxivm and share the details of India's branding ceremony. In October, Keith Raniere was sentenced to 120 years in prison for his role in leading a cultlike group called Nxivm, in which a harem of sexual slaves were branded with his initials on their pelvises and coerced into having sex with him. Nothing. (3) Keep your mouth shut because anything can be used against you even if you cant think of how. These had no more value than ESP programs. Karmas a bitch that way, isnt it, Doc? I think the video should stay right where it is to remind everyone what Raniere wanted everyone to see. Imo. Thats all Ive got, Kellmans email ended. These women were taught to revere him and were ordered to maintain near-starvation diets to achieve the physique he found desirable. Why didnt Brandon Porter know this fact? I chose not to watch that type of movie and if forced to, not only would I sue I would make one of them come and watch what happens when trauma is triggered. Story identifies what participants were led to believe to get them to attend, but not what was said subsequent to the videos. (2) if you are in any legal proceedings, stay off the internet. Absolute shame. By 2016 she and Raniere developed a workshop series that claimed to relieve physical ailments, such as chronic back pain, by re-patterning clients bodies through different postures, exercises and manual adjustments., She describes her relationship with Raniere as platonic, but did say: He kissed me romantically once. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. And me getting hotter and more irritated and my heartbeat going up and sweating terribly . The evidence fromAllison Mack revealed that Keith Raniere (pictured above) wanted the branding of slaves to be recorded on video. It leaves me wondering. They were empowered. While Clyne argues women were of legal age and made choices to hand over collateral, the fright experiment was a calculated act of coordinated deception. May 22, 2019 3:19pm AP Accused sex cult leader Keith Raniere wanted the branding of his female slaves to mimic ritualistic human sacrifice, a Brooklyn jury heard Wednesday. Privacy Policy. Supporters of Mr. Raniere may be likely to argue that he is not a licensed physician and that Dr. Roberts is; therefore, she is more culpable. Id agree with you Shadow, but whacky Porter has kids. Give this article Lauren Salzman, a. Waukee is in Dallas County Iowa and is a Western suburb of Des Moines Iowa and one of the richest towns in the state. In a letter dated July 11, 2017, and seen by The Post, the department opted to not take action because the information you have described is not medical misconduct. Months later, Edmondson took her story to The New York Times and a Web site called the Frank Report. Because of the controversy of Yales Milgram experiment the participants had to receive an explanation of the experimental process. At a hearing in Texas, he was sent to Brooklyn to face charges that he forced women to engage in sex. Keith Raniere started Nxivm outside Albany, N.Y., in the 1990s. The film actually shows them murdered and more than that, beheaded and chopped to pieces. This was meant to intimidate. Roberts said she sold her Westbury, NY, home to make ends meet in February 2019. We've received your submission. Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083 While my role is reporting, and the court is the venue for settling matters of controversy, I will defend the rights of plaintiffs to file a civil lawsuit without being harassed. If you didnt know, you can find copies of ranieres methods described in the patent application titled: DETERMINATION OF WHETHER A LUCIFERIAN CAN BE REHABILITATED. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. On occasion, you can get a small electric shock from cauterizing. I dont get the point of mixing a horrific execution and three random movie clips: 1) Four women belonging a gang are executed by the members of another gang this video should belong TO governmental agencies (Mexican Authorities/DEA) as evidence and not accessible from a random website I assume Mexican narcs are so used to that kind of shit that they dont care much about it-, 2) the execution scene in American History X, 3) the most shocking and disgusting scene in Hannibal, Fright experiment? If youre triggered or if youre bothered, imagine what the women who were forced to view it felt. D.O. Seems disrespectful to all. Roberts has no regrets about the branding or her own involvement in the cult. were subjected to punishments, including being whipped with a leather strap or being asked to stand barefoot in the snow. I dont know, Frank. Suneel Chakravorty and I are engaged in a war of words. They measured the willingness of study participants, men in the age range of 20 to 50 from a diverse range of occupations with varying levels of education, to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal conscience. You know? Rather than a beheading film, a film of giving head would be shown. IMO Your life would start improving if you understood that Keith is a compulsively lying psychopath. I dont know if that, thats a feeling of submission, you know, Raniere said in that recording. The complaints focused on a secretive subgroup within the organization called The Vow or D.O.S. Does data and conclusions of human fright experiment findings exist? This is not a joke. The branding left permanent scars on the women's pelvic areas, in the . You;re not a woman so you probably dont understand how deeply violating it is to even display these human beings topless, kneeling and knowing they are about to get murdered. I was open. In this instance I think you should acquiesce to your readers, even if the opinion is in the minority. While my role is reporting, and the court is the venue for settling matters of controversy, I will defend the rights of plaintiffs to file a civil lawsuit without being harassed. The face of the woman was not in the photo. Its really a pretty awful image and is disrespectful for the victims. After all this time, supposedly reading up on NXIVM, you still have no idea what you're talking about. Showing the branding videos only shows how far at that point in time, under lies and coercion, the women went to indoctrinate themselves in this master/slave organization and follow what they were told. I hope they all get huge pay-outs from Bronfman fortunes; do something beneficial for John Tighe and his wife; take Frank on a vacation or out to a very expensive dinner; do something with their money and time to help victimized women that dont have any where to go with minimal choices; and go onward discovering more using their hard found wisdom. No book deals, vegan take-out, lattes, yoga or lamenting on their past and current thoughts in their own podcast. Leave the video up lest we forget who and what Raniere is. I cant believe a responsible reporter would post either the video or a still from it. Raniere and Nxivm Make Grandiose Claims About Themselves. All rights reserved. She currently resides in Wisconsin, living rent-free in a sympathetic friends home. Later in March, her daughter, Lauren Salzman, pleaded guilty to racketeering and racketeering conspiracy. According to our sources, Dr. Roberts is telling Mr. Ranieres followers that she branded the women only because Mr. Raniere devised the idea. Waukee, IA 50276 Id love to see that documentary Mark think about it guys its kinda brilliant.. Ill let you have that one . . I agree with othersplease blur those poor womens faces and naked bodies and dont embed the murder and dismemberment video. Poking fun at 58-year-old Darren Barnet. Keith Raniere, the groups leader, styled himself a visionary, but a jury found him guilty of racketeering, sex trafficking and other charges. Camilas Doe (Camel toe) as a personal attack; its kinda like his pet name for Lauren (forlorn). The subjects of the fright experiments were not alone. The women being initiated did not know until they entered the room that Roberts would be the one to brand them. Were you not once a committed scientologist until you learned more about the corruption within that organization? In court, Mack has apologized effusively for the role she played as a facilitator in the horrifying ordeal that saw multiple women disfigured for life. I personally dont mind seeing the cover image. But for the past six weeks, Raniere has stood trial in a New York federal court accused of creating an alleged sex cult . And people can choose to click on post and see more? [] Weve written about this extensively. Phone:(515) 222-3321 Evidence of the process within the NXIVN cult first emerged inThe New York Timesthanks to escaped follower Sarah Edmondson, who herself was branded. This particular analogy you are using is so grossly inaccurate. right.. its so sick and awful they have the audacity to show such footage/photos.. these women did not deserve this & for them to keep this photo of their breasts up is disgusting.. they are literally using crime photos of nude women and their death for clout this is wrong they should not link the video either just sick they posted this .. imagine if one of these women where someone they loved and cared for i wonder if they would still be posting/sharing the footage? On Wednesday, Allison Mack, an actress who pleaded guilty to racketeering and conspiracy charges for her role in Nxivm, was sentenced to three years in prison. Padma Lakshmi to Pack Her Knives and Leave, Thankfully, she has a seat at the judges table anytime.. Although Mack didnt take the stand against him, she met with prosecutors numerous times and was available to testify at Ranieres trial if requested to do so, they said. an acronym for a Latin phrase that roughly translates to "Lord/Master of the Obedient Female. Sad. Here is the action taken by the Office of Professional Medical Conduct (OPMC) against Porter, which describes the Human Fright Experiment as follows: From on or about 2012 through 2017 the Respondent [Porter], either individually or in association with a public or private institution or agency, conducted a human subject research study (hereinafter Fright Study). The clip shows four women on their knees in a field with their hands tied behind their backs. Youre using your platform to propagate death and dismemberment film footage? It is a matter of deep regret that I must advise my readers of photographs that were shown to the Frank Reportof a woman who was branded. As part of my course work at the University of Illinois I had to participate in a Psychological experiment. It was certainly no The English Patient. It was maybe two minutes of pain all told., She admitted that some of the women needed breathers mid-branding, but said this wasnt necessarily a bad thing. His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents. The Sarah Edmondson branding video was edited and released by NXIVM as a propaganda tool to discount Sarah Edmondson's testimony at Raniere's trial. Because of all its legal battles, NXIVM has hired lots of attorneys in lots of cities. Please go to r/theNXIVMcase (it's linked here) and join! She did not consider the third possibility: that nothing wrong was done and that we were consenting adults participating with full agency. In handing down the sentence, Judge Garaufis said Ms. Mack had used her celebrity status to recruit and groom women as sexual partners for Mr. Raniere. Very interesting and I think highly likely, Ice 9. Address:1300 L.A Grant Parkway P.O. This was a way to help women surrender and realize that they can take pain. He also requested that the women be branded naked and held down in a certain position: "Laying on the back, legs slightly, or legs spread straight like, like feet, feet being held to the side of the table, hands probably above the head being held, almost like being tied down, like sacrificial," he said, via Vulture. In a six-week trial, prosecutors presented a damning case against Mr. Raniere. hopefully you never have to know how awful this must feel for their family. Keep em alive and let us enjoy some nice tits. 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nxivm branding video