mckinsey constellation value map

The operator of a large LEO constellation must monitor and manage the status and functions of thousands of satellites. This may be the beginning of insight into adoption rates, buyer, user and payer segmentation as well as price elasticity and so on. As supplies tightened, however, printers often found their stocks depleted. In the near term, airlines and cruise lines, among other sectors, have obviously been hit hard. They expected to reprioritize innovation when the crisis passes. Do we have the right skills and competencies to develop and deliver strategy? Our analysis, however, indicates that companies planning large LEO satellite internet constellations still need to reduce a range of costs significantly to ensure long-term viability. To unlock the consumer marketthe one with the most potentialthe cost of ESA antennas must drop by an order of magnitude or more. At current levels, ESA prices would be too high for residential customersthe largest source of potential growthwho now pay about $100 to $200 to purchase customer-premise equipment (CPE) or pay monthly rental fees of $10 to $20. Consider a few changes: Traditionally, satellites have been accessed and tracked via parabolic-dish antennas. mckinsey constellation value mapsophia naima trucks. By nature this work is emotionally cyclical. This equipment is poorly suited to LEO constellations, which will have numerous satellites all rapidly crossing a ground receivers field of view at the same time. Should it entail price changes, benefit changes, or a combination of both? mckinsey constellation value map. Marketers frequently err along the two dimensions of value management, however. The knack is to select the features that will attract new customers without losing old ones, that have the greatest impact on customers, and that the company can provide cost-effectively. Starlinks targets are probably even more aggressive; they have estimated the cost of their 12,000-satellite system at $10 billion.1Emre Kelly, SpaceXs Shotwell: Starlink internet will cost about $10 billion and change the world, Florida Today, April 26, 2018, Define a segment (and the products positioned in it) so that it contains all the realistic and feasible alternatives customers consider for a given purchase, and accept that there will be some differences in buying decisions. Comparing the potential bandwidth supplied by the large LEO satellites with estimated demand growth is illuminating. The unintended effect can be to demotivate people who aspire to be innovators but feel they must also be magicians. Intersatellite links (ISLs) improve connectivity and confer particular benefits to large constellations, including improved throughput and management. Refers to the skills needed to deliver the cost transformation and management strategy. UCS Satellite Database, Union of Concerned Scientists, December 16, 2019, Instead of expecting an immediate positive cash flow, many are focusing on business models that facilitate the acquisition of customers and the control of ecosystems, so they may initially set low prices for their offerings to attract business, even if that eliminates the possibility of profits. So, strategy needs to respond to this with agility. Cost Transformation Model McKinsey Framework, CA Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Second, even when this is well understood, they ignore the "dynamic" effect of their price/benefit positioningthe reactions triggered among competitors and customers, and the effect on total industry profitability and on the transfer of surplus between suppliers and customers. The questions included in this template are examples designed to help users better understand the framework. By one estimate, the 4,400-satellite version of Starlink will require 123 ground-station locations and about 3,500 gateway antennas to achieve maximum throughput.21Bruce G. Cameron, Edward F. Crawley, and Inigo del Portillo, A technical comparison of three low earth orbit satellite constellation systems to provide global broadband, 69th International Astronautical Congress 2018, October 1, 2018. Even if constellation providers made their satellite-access and bandwidth fees comparable to those of terrestrial solutions, the high cost of CPE would severely limit their success in the consumer market. Amazon Prime, with its free shipping, is the classic example. Under this model, even a premium product would be unprofitable. Simultaneously, more consumers will have access to internet connectivity. The value map explores the way customer value and the price/benefit tradeoff work in real markets for a given segment (Exhibit 1). The results are shown in Exhibit 5. People with severe housing problemsor who are unemployed, incarcerated, or impoverishedare more vulnerable to contracting the virus than the general population. In the first in a series of interactive presentations, Lowell Bryan, a director in McKinsey's New York office, reflects on 7-S. The payoff for getting dynamic value management right has probably never been higher; the consequences of getting it wrong, never more devastating. See Harry W Jones, The recent large reduction in space launch cost, 48th International Conference on Environmental Systems, July 812, 2018, Flip through the resulting index to see how your industry would be affected by each type of shock. "Value pricing" is too often misused as a synonym for low price or bundled price. Faced with falling sales, they took the only measure they could to defend their market sharesthey lowered their prices by at least 5 percent (Exhibit 8). See the story of this unique year through McKinsey's 20 best charts and data visualizations of 2020, from the early days of lockdowns and a tumultuous summer to a hopeful year end. The selective 5 percent drop in labor reduced the total installation cost by less than 1 percenttoo slight a difference for the market to notice. To ensure a viable business, launch providers will probably need to reduce the cost to orbit below $2,000 per kilogram. These different moves engender very different outcomesdifferent competitor and customer reactions and different prices, volumes, profits, and risks. A gradual cascade of reactions not only will prevent panicky overreactions, but can also create opportunities to observe informative customer buying behavior. The example questions above aim to illustrate how the elements of the McKinsey 7-S models interact with one another. Since then it has been applied as a change management and holistic organizational quality model in many avenues of business and is "a . Venture capital has recently been bullish about space projects, investing more than $4 billion in the past two years alone. But, equally, it could keep the price the same and position the new model in a highly value-advantaged position in the hope of gaining significant market share. Space operations have never previously occurred on this scale, and the manufacturers and suppliers of both space and ground equipment may find it challenging to meet ambitious cost-reduction and performance targets. So it became clear that addressing those conditionsincluding obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressurecould protect millions against future pandemics. Being on the receiving end of a competitive move demands an approach similar to the proactive stance above. It suggested that government spending on renewables creates 50 more jobs per $10 million invested than spending on fossil fuels. If it does, the Daily Innovators attention should turn to whether the idea can scale to a business of meaningful size. Globally, governments allocated a stunning $10 trillion for economic stimulus in just two months. On the first morning he asked the five entrepreneurs to name the business they were in. This could indicate that there are price-capped customers at around this level who are unwilling to spend more even if they could get more features. For the stars to align so that large LEO constellations are deployable, one critical factor stands out: cost reductions across the value chain, from satellite manufacturing through launch and operations. Some buyers of automotive components, for example, will not accept delivery reliability below a minimum level. Stress testing an initial value constellation can be comparatively informal involving safe audiences like friends, trusted buyers, users and payers, colleagues, even family and still be useful. Any change in product positioning by one competitor, be it cutting price or improving features, will lead others to move, either to preempt shifts in market share or to react to them. Even in a perfect world, consumers would be unevenly distributed along the VEL because they do not necessarily view benefits and prices in a linear way. Given its consistency and quality throughout the economic cycle, Pace could not understand the drastic market share shifts it regularly experienced. Current gateways for GEO satellite communications are quite expensivetypically from $1 million to The goal is a clear problem statement enabling plausible back-of-the-envelope arithmetic about the market for a new idea. Teledesic, for instance, initially proposed spending more than $9 billion to launch 840 satellites but then reduced its plan to about 300.8Rupert Goodwins, Teledesic backs away from satellite push, ZDNet, October 3, 2002,; Graham Lea, Teledesic raises more cashbut global broadband is still a dream, Register, November 3, 1999, The ability to describe the value constellation helps the Daily Innovator's potential allies understand how an idea might work as a sustainable business. Mazda dealers, however, recognized this price/benefit imbalance and claimed the surplus for themselves in the form of $2,0003,000 "market price adjustments" that they added to the suggested retail price (and which customers gladly paid). Station - Kilsyth for the next available . Transmission and fatality rates were an early concern. Sometimes consumers are not equally aware of the true nature and availability of competing products. If consumers do not perceive enough difference to make them switch supplier, but competitors, which follow such moves closely, decide to copy it, the VEL can quickly drop without affecting market shares, but lowering price and profit. It is believed to be correct at the time of inputting and is presented here in good faith. They could also be used as starter questions for their businesses. Silver Ridge Advisors, LLC Moving to a new position along the VEL outside the existing extremes can expand a market. In the near term, any company that tries to secure funding will face challenges because of economic uncertainty and immediate public-health concerns. Another case, that of car maker Mazda's experience with its Miata sports model, demonstrates the kind of opportunity that a value-advantaged company can easily forgo if it does not fully appreciate its position (see sidebar, "US economy sports car market, 1990"). As this approach seldom expands a market, competitors will probably react to their declining sales. How far do I have to move from the VEL to expand my horizon of customers sufficiently? Vulnerable ethnic and socioeconomic groups are more likely to have underlying health conditions that could make a case of COVID-19 more severeand more deadly. For constellation operatorseven those that build their own rocketsthese launch costs will be significant. However, the nature of most network applications made secondary access not that important. We help companies grow profitably, transform through innovation, pursue strategic transactions and improve operational efficiency. Competitors' strategic mindset. But the crisis has also caused a spike in demand for internet connectivity and underscored its importance. The key to success often resides in gaining a clear understanding of the real attributes driving customer choice and their relative importance. The problem was that some executives didnt get the memoat least right away. MTE was the recognized premium supplier (with the highest price and benefits) in a stable market that included three other leading competitors (Jackson, PZJTech, and Labco) positioned squarely on the VEL (Exhibit 7). Many experts believe that launch costs should be the main target for cost reductions in large LEO constellations, and owners will certainly want to cut them. And theyd already quit their jobs to pursue it. mckinsey constellation value mapmckinsey constellation value map. While physical distancing and work-from-home measures remain in place, the development, manufacture, and launch of large LEO satellites will slow. But MTE was in a dilemma over how to price its terrific new model. It represented a wholesale transfer of market surplus from suppliers to customers. Featured in the book In Search of Excellence, by former McKinsey consultants Thomas J. Peters and Robert H. Waterman, the framework maps a constellation of interrelated factors that influence an organization's ability to change. It is also easier to retract benefits that are rejected by the market or are uneconomic to provide, than to try to raise prices after a round of reductions. Large LEO satellite constellations: Will it be different this time? This would drive direct revenue (such as ad spending) and potentially increase the number of people who use the platforms services. Keycomp not only had slower processor speed and secondary access speed than Alpha but was also priced 10 to 15 percent higher. 3. Modelling the likely effects of future changes within a company. Will they interact in ways suggesting sustained engagement? Two promising vaccines showed around 95 percent effectiveness in clinical trials. Traditional communications satellites with GEO orbits have proved their worth since the 1960s. Organisations must constantly adapt to strategies to succeed. Ralf Leszinski and Mike Marn are principals in McKinsey's Atlanta and Cleveland offices, respectively. Even if the most ambitious plans do not come to pass, the satellites will be manufactured and launched on an unprecedented scale. How does the Daily Innovator take the glimmer of an idea, a gut instinct and build a compelling business case around it to rally support? This Framework maps a constellation of interrelated factors that influence an organisation's ability to change. Does our structure get the most out of our skills and competencies?Do the skills and competencies of our organisation complement those of our interdependent organisations? Its operating system software and hardware plug configuration created compatibility problems for many customers. Make a list of each player in it who creates, buys, uses, pays for each element of the idea. Take, for example, an electric drill whose power was increased but which was sold for the same price. Concerns about such issues could create demand for a completely new market to find satellites and take them out of orbit. Moving below the VEL often threatens all competitors, because such moves usually define new and lowered VELs that force them to reconsider their own positions. Current satellite concepts will initially be as expensive as or more expensive than their predecessors. Having shared values at the centre of the constellation emphasises that it is the core values of the organisation, aligned to the organisation's purpose, that shape the remaining elements. Some customers might be benefit-bracketed, others might use the changes to rethink their own price/benefit tradeoffs, and, finally, new offers could stimulate latent demand. Map the constellation. It is often used as part of a value proposition development process to help companies identify and prioritize the key benefits they offer customers. In many cases, however, too little thought is given to what customers actually want, how competitors will react, and how demand might change as a result of competitors' moves. However, there is a large amount of dry powder on handinvestment firms had more than $2.3 trillion (and growing) to spend in late 2019so funding for other space projects could soar if additional investors begin to see potential in the market.17A new decade for private markets: McKinsey Global Private Markets Review 2020, February 2020. Note: SpaceX would certainly launch its own satellites at cost rather than at commercial prices, and it might be planning to use the Falcon Heavy, its partially reusable super-heavy-lift rocket, which could reduce costs further.2By one estimate, Falcon Heavy can already achieve this target. If, alternatively, providers slashed CPE prices to compete, they would incur acquisition costs of several thousand dollars for each customer. See Steve Evans, Insurance market could face $192m+ Eutelsat 5 West B satellite loss, Reinsurance News, October 28, 2019, reinsurancene.sw. After that experience, many industry analysts and investors remain skeptical about the viability of large LEO constellations. The case also shows the opportunities value maps offer value-disadvantaged companies to understand their markets better. MTE is the manufacturer of high-quality medical testing equipment mentioned at the beginning of this article. Most consumers were venturing online for the first time, usually on desktop computers with dial-up modems. If the competitor has moved off the VEL, has its "horizon" expanded sufficiently to draw in new customers? Emre Kelly, SpaceXs Shotwell: Starlink internet will cost about $10 billion and change the world, Florida Today, April 26, 2018, It also includes software systems, which are increasingly automating activities, processes and procedures. Dynamic value management can also be a powerful tool to help prescribe reactions to changes in competitive position or customer needs. Cross the SH1 road bridge and continue the walk upstream to the Major Jones Bridgeor downstream to Riverstone Backpackers. While providers of large LEO constellations could certainly pursue B2B applications, they will face competition from existing satellite options, which might be sufficient for most businesses. mckinsey constellation value map. One month later, prices in the sector collapse and the company has to discount its superior new product just to maintain its traditional market share. How many people would have to be vaccinated to protect large swaths of the population? The authors wish to thank Jess Harrington, Henry Tourtillotte, and McKinsey alumni Michael Kiermaier and Daniel Shur, who contributed significantly to the underlying analysis. Amazon, with $55.4 billion on hand, is the only large tech player with an announced constellation, but Facebook ($54.9 billion) has reportedly filed preliminary LEO-satellite plans through a proxy.11Amazon cash on hand, 20062019, Macrotrends,; Facebook cash on hand, 20092019, Macrotrends,; Mark Harris, Facebook may have secret plans to build a satellite-based internet, May 2, 2018, IEEE Spectrum, Modular antenna designs could help, since they would enable equally critical cost reductions in user-equipment antennas, but owners of large LEO constellations will also look for other efficiencies. Companies digitized many activities 20 to 25 times faster than they had previously thought possible. Having shared values at the centre of the constellation emphasises that it is the core values of the organisation, aligned to the organisations purpose, that shape the remaining elements. If Alpha's perception of the value map in Exhibit 3 were correct, then Alpha should have been gaining market share and Keycomp losing it. But it was also because flu season was approaching. It showed that Keycomp performed so well on the attributes most important to customers that, despite its higher price, it was value-advantaged and therefore justifiably gaining market share. So where does the Daily Innovator begin? In many cases, however, it is poorly understood, leading to wrong decisions. Governments throughout the world realized early that health-related lockdowns would lead to widescale economic damage. This negligence can lead to profit declines where once there were high hopes. This includes the inherent talents of the organisations people, the number of staff and the diversity needed in each area to optimise organisational capability and capacity. (We use cost per pound for satellites with similar functions and subsystems as a first-order approximation.) How does an innovator take a new idea and build a business case around it? Armed with the insights provided by the value maps in Exhibit 11, Pace's managers embarked on a project to determine how they might improve their order lead times and fill rates in times of tight supply. A more important and probably more common explanation of market share differences among competitors on the VEL is the distribution of customers along this line. Our estimate did not include the 30,000 additionalsatellites that Starlink submitted for licensing in January 2020. Turning to the private sector, the effects of the pandemic were uneven across industries. McKinseys 7-S framework provides a useful approach to organisational design, specifically for: Aligning the organisation to new strategy, Aiding the merger or acquisition of organisations. The likeliest, and least desirable, reaction is a price cut, which often leads to price cuts across the industry and lower profits for all. But in winning allies to the cause of a great idea they arent enough. Perhaps strategy is changing and execution requires new delivery platforms. The good news for companies, though, is that their individual destinies are not preordained by the industries theyre in. Some consumers had been looking for more benefits after all. We explore how the landscape has changed over the past year in terms of constellations of technology, accelerated investment, and an expansion in the number of use cases. Which roles is it monetizing? We will take the second approach, as it makes the concepts in this article easier to apply in the messy "real" world, without compromising the quality of the answer. If market research shows it has not, again there is no need to react. Funding from that source could diminish, however. What it had not realized was that there was no significant volume between the two extremes, because each answered a specific speed requirement of downstream customers. F. (916) 570-8128 The effects on minority communities werent limited to health and employment concerns. Stories about business giants acting on hunches are fun to relate and seem simple in the telling, almost like magic. Launch providers will have to pull every cost-reduction lever available. While the upside opportunities can be greater (and the threat of retaliation lower), success depends on a thorough understanding of the size and needs of the latent demand that the new product or service is designed to meet. Some of this was inevitable, just because different types of crises affect industries differently. One manufacturer of medical supplies always reacted to competitors' price cuts by improving benefits. Those challenges and the ongoing lack of parity in the workplace had as many as two million women considering leaving the workforce, according to our latest Women in the Workplace research. Fine, but dont forget your intent. Going forward, large LEO concepts could play an important role in meeting this increased demand. In theory, all customers constituting a precisely defined segment would be equally receptive to all products positioned anywhere along the VEL. How would demand rise for large low-Earth-orbit (LEO) constellations if the cost to users could match (or beat) the price of existing high-speed options? McKinsey's Strategic Control Map. Your travel plans in advance - every 1 hour Sundays & Bank -! Could a low-carbon agenda for recovering from the COVID-19 crisis create jobs and help the economy? The horizontal axis quantifies benefits as perceived by the customer; the vertical axis shows perceived price. If the repositioning is successful, or looks as if it will be, competitors will react. According to one study, yes. To see the estimate for the United States, flip through the charts here. Companies that started as distributors, like Amazon and Netflix, increasingly look to original content as a source of revenue. ESAs can also be designed for modular assembly, which could allow manufacturers to produce large numbers of basic parts for use in both constellation ground stations and consumer equipment, thereby improving economies of scale. Value constellations take a commercial idea beyond the binary buyer-seller value chain to more complex, symbiotic transactional webs among multiple participants, each of which may create and consume value. Again, consider Starlink. "Softer," nontechnical attributes (perceived reliability, quality of vendor support, ease of doing business) are often as important as or more important than precisely measurable technical features. Other markets, such as telecom backhaul, have greatly expanded with increased mobile usage. Telesat, with a proposed initial constellation of 117 spacecraft and the potential to deploy more than 500, appears to be moving forward with its plans.6Caleb Henry, Telesat says ideal LEO constellation is 292 satellites, but could be 512, SpaceNews, September 11, 2018, Perhaps strategy is changing and execution requires new delivery platforms. In these webs, the sources of value go beyond direct monetary exchange. One silver lining for organizations, though, was the rapid shift to digital. Telesat has received investments and an upfront commitment from the government of Canada to buy its services. There are two options: either to move to a new position within the extremes defined by current competitors, or to move to a new position beyond the current extremes. The decision of whether and how far to move should include the following steps: Understanding and weighing the risks and opportunities. That would probably be at least 75 percent lower than the costs any company has currently claimed it can achieve (for information on our methodology for estimates, see sidebar Cost calculations for large LEO constellations). Think beyond the conventional exchange of money (such as user interests or geographical location) and diagram these exchanges as you go. Stiff, Curly, Arced, and Whip are all stiff-type tails. Meanwhile its forecasts are sold to airlines, commodity traders and other non-media consumers. Later, the company entirely suspended satellite production after burning through hundreds of millions of dollars in development costs. The first task is to map benefits versus priceas the customer sees them. Higher-priced, higher-benefit competitors are toward the upper right; lower-priced, lower-benefit competitors are at the lower left. In this disruptive scenario, we estimated that a small number of cable internet customersconservatively, about 1 percentwould switch from their existing solutions to satellite. This configuration will require highly automated management systems. With that life span, Starlink alone will need to launch about 2,400 satellites a year for its 12,000-satellite constellation so long as it is operational. So when one competitor increases its support services, the other improves its services too. Not increasing the price enough will force competitors to match the new positioning, leading to an unwanted industry price decline (as with MTE); raising the price too high will lead to a volume loss. The McKinsey 7S Model refers to a tool that analyzes a company's "organizational design." The goal of the model is to depict how effectiveness can be achieved in an organization through the interactions of seven key elements - Structure, Strategy, Skill, System, Shared Values, Style, and Staff. Gain the support of influential people across the organisation. Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on . Although many companies now working on large LEO constellations may produce satellites or even ground equipment in house, they will still require external components and service support. Failing to understand that there was no demand for a medium-speed machine, even one that was competitive on technical specification and price, forced the manufacturer to take a multimillion-dollar writeoff. We saw that the coronavirus discriminates based on socioeconomic status, too. 2023 Silver Ridge Advisors, LLC. Globalstar, Iridium, Odyssey, and Teledesic had impressive plans. The new constellations would add tens of billions of dollars of economic activity to satellite manufacturing, operations, launch, and consumer equipment. For example, has increased automation left some business processes with over-qualified people? Even for those with no childcare issues, getting to and from work became a problem if it required any form of shared mobility. See the story of this unique year through data visualizations from our, protect millions against future pandemics, our latest Women in the Workplace research, relatively small investments in preventive measures, toll it took on peoples happiness and mental health, digitized many activities 20 to 25 times faster, spending on renewables creates 50 more jobs, How many people would have to be vaccinated, 2020 year in review: Highlights from our publishing. Creates 50 more jobs per $ 10 trillion for economic stimulus in just months. Form of shared mobility than spending on fossil fuels growth is illuminating spike in demand for a given (! Should include the following steps: understanding and weighing the risks and opportunities this with.! 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mckinsey constellation value map