who is behind 119 ministries

The Holy Spirit given on Pentecost, the comforter which will teach you all things, we love God because he first loved us, we want to be obedient to his instructions (torah) because that shows God we want to do things HIS way not ours. Now, as for the name HEBREW ROOTS MOVEMENT, another neat little package that we here in the west have assigned a name to. You never know whats gonna happen! 119 Ministries is extremely active on social media and the internet, with smartphone apps and an extensive library of online teachings. That, I could understand just from plain English. Their vocabularies didnt contain a word that could even come close to the Torah (instructions, commandments, laws, ordinances, rulings). Thus, YHWH did not dismiss the standard of Torah because Israel chose disobedience; rather, He installed a Renewed Covenant to write HIS Torah upon the heart of each of us through the work of the Holy Spirit according to Jesus. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age., Quite simply, He is saying to go and make disciples, baptize them, and teach them. Please re read your New Testament with new eyes and and open, seeking heart. Once again, the author pf Hebrews contrasts the holy and appointed tasks of the Aaronic priest with that of Jesus, a priest after the manner of Melchizedek. If an unbeliever were to happen upon this unfortunate thread of comments, surely they would turn away thinking maybe they dont want anything to do with a faith that causes so much nasty bickering among its followers. Might I just point out: that was a mic drop moment. I think it's the oddness of their Hebrew Roots/Torah keeping position that makes people say that, maybe coupled with their unusual move to Costa Rica. Again, I have watched dozens of their videos and I never seem them preach anything that cant be proven by scripture, other than teachings they give based on their own opinions (such as their series on Time), which they clearly tell the viewer at the start of the series that it is a teaching they are still studying and proving, and that their opinions may change as their study goes on. Sinai was for EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES and that hasnt changed! Once the Mosaic covenant was fulfilled, completed, or accomplished by Messiah, His resurrection and ascension introduced the New Covenant. Established in 2010, 119 Ministries is a Non-for-Profit ministry consisting of teachers, a few other paid staff, and a collection of international volunteers who assist with administrative and logistical operations. Certainly, Abraham followed certain laws / instructions given by his fathers. We are all on a journey and name-calling has no place here on your ministry page. The groups name is a reference to Psalm 119, which speaks in depth about following Gods Law. PLEROO. Be you. Following the Hebrew/Jewish Messiah means following what are written in the Scriptures, the very same Scriptures that Apostle Paul (Rav Shaul) claimed to be inspired by God himself. That would be the OLD way of living. But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. I am I believe a pretty orthodox believer ..not protestant , nor catholic per se. A cult is a real specific thing with its own definition in the dictionary and encyclopedias not just based in ones emotional response to someone they care about changing their beliefs just ask the de-programmers who rescue people from real cults you know, like Scientology, Christian Science, Branch Davidian, !sl@m, etc. Did you know that every time the resurrected Messiah appeared to His disciples, it was on the first day of the week, the Lords Day? So all of your research is nil. Their mindset had become so temporal that the spiritual reality of the sacraments and of the Church Triumphant in Heaven was too much for them to grasp. No likeness = no fruit. And all enemies will be defeated before Christs return.. when the last enemy, Death, is finally and completely obliterated. Respond in humility not thinking you are right and they are wrong Maybe listen and actually read the scriptures and possibly you will hear the voice of God. Learn the Torah, then the Brit HaDesha will be fully understood in the context in which it was written. Yahwehs Torah is life. We didnt create it between Jews and gentiles. Then you finally claimed to one of my co-authors some excuse that wasnt even good enough for me to remember! 16 Now if the hallah offered as firstfruits is holy, so is the whole loaf. I choose the third option of translation. His statutes which is strongs H2706 chuqqah meaning something prescribed, an ordinance such as passover, an everlasting law. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Finally, your attempt to school me on understanding Paul in the context of the passage itself and how his original readers would have understood the term is laughable when you refuse to consider that your fanciful understanding of Lev. Scholars have proven this. Matthew 5:17-19 Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. Every statement he makes is proven by Scriptural evidence, so you can verify it all for yourself. When you say the truth is Torah, what do you mean? News Flash, Leah, the Greeks and the Romans worshiped false gods (Satan, his fallen angels, and demons). He has to return for his bride before the marriage covenant is fully in effect. Im curious as to your name and this book you talk about, Id really like to read more of your thoughts! I am also glad to hear of more brother/sisters are seeking understanding the nature of Yah and his teachings of days including the one he blessed during creation (Sabbath). We believe we are saved by grace through faith in the Word of God (Jesus/Yeshua). I thought to myself, Why would our Creator allow for us to keep all the other commands, but do away with one? Why appoint times for special feasts to be held that were meant to be everlasting only to do away with them later? Why do people feel that the commands of God are considered burdensome or to be in bondage? If we were given Ten Commandments and are taught about them from early on, why do we teach later that we still have Ten Commandments, but only live by nine? They contain some things that are hard to understand, things which the uninstructed and unstable distort, to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures. 119 never claims to be rightthey simply invite consideration and our own meticulous testing. I speak Hebrew words which lifts me up in pride through my knowledge . 1,801 talking about this. This meant they are in step with the Father in spirit while not knowing the commandments. If it doesnt answer it for you maybe it will lead to studying. This is why Paul teaches (1 Cor. My analogy of pleroo is NOT incorrect as you claim, because I made no analogy. Youre comment about being found spotless when Yashua returns is true. Peter was warning against what your perception of the new covenant is. Why does 119 Ministries present only two choices? I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. How do you become bound to HIM through Jesus the only way to be circumcised of the heart (promised by Jeremiah). beginning. Because 119 Ministries wants to emphasize that Jesus Christ taught the Torah (law of Moses = law of God) and then tie that into the Great Commission (Mt. Read it 10 times and God will grant you true Biblical revelation. One man even goes so far as to say the more I can logically prove, the less I have to take by faith. (LogOut/ We both challenged the church (Baptist, UPC, AoG) and we learned the false teaching that has engulfed these doctrines. The Mechilzedek priesthood being superior to the Aaronic, to be clear. How is Gods love for us any different? But GROW (discipleship into Jesus) in the GRACE and KNOWLEDGE of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I ask the you examine your heart, reread it with scripture and pray about it. 5:20 unless your righteousness surpasses the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter the Kingdom of heaven. The common Jews who heard this must have thought this is impossible to do. Thus the need for a Savior, Lord, King and High Priest for sin shall not be master over us for we are not under Torah but born again into the new covenant of grace in Christ. There are many commandments related to sacrifices and the Levitical priesthood. 9 Their worship of me is useless, because they teach man-made rules as if they were doctrines.[c]. the cult of St. Olaf Christ has only fulfilled the first 4. Who was the first covenant given to? So you have a portion of the original bride being divorced by God according to Jeremiah 3. And concerning 119 ministries? The rapture happens exactly when Christ said it would and he mentions it several times in John 6. Have you not wondered why you as a Christian still celebrate this Feast of Pentecost? He wants traditional values over truth. And Im not here to argue this point? Remember, the Shkhinah is the only glory that exclusively belongs to God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). God will abundantly give to us all and the Holy Spirit in us will produce its fruits. Gentiles are not mentioned. 1 Cor. So back to the Priesthood: the author of Hebrews has already described the exalted position of Jesus as a High Priest after the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 7), and thus as superior to the Aaronic priesthood in terms of obtaining eternal redemption. We are indwelled by the Spirit in order to follow God. I have a feeling that your material will be sure to get through to him! It was added by the translators, as it was in 8:13. Not only do they reduce the idea of love and grace essential to Christian theology, they actually deny the idea the newness of the revelation of God in Christ. Psalm 119 Ministries. If this is not a move of YHWH it will die out and come to naught but if it is of YHWH you will find yourself fighting against the one who you claim to worship. And in Rav Shauls spirit-filled efforts to effectively deal with the various issues that plagued the Messianic Community, Protestant Christians mistakenly see this as a sign that the Tanakh (Old Testament) is no longer valid. Donations to Kingdom Pioneer Missions Incorporated are tax deductible. I took your comment to be a misrepresentation of how you really felt. I think if I understand your position of trust you mean to say the Jewish Calendar that predetermines the Moedim and new moons etc? The enemy doesnt confront directly but subtly. Cant wait for Passover now. Its not in the Torah; its not addressed by the Scriptures. Read Hebrews, chapters 1-3 to procure an undrstanding of the difference between Moses and Jesus the Christ whom Moses testified if when he struck the ROCK and WATER flowed forth!!! I have found Jon Sherman to be a committed man of God; one who boldly speaks the truth of Gods Word. Your Torah study should easily inform your understanding. I think 119 ministries is arguably one of the best ministries out there. What?!?!?!?! In the immediate context this is the very subject matter. What is the context of that again? That means, unarguably, that the moon determines the weekly sabbath, not a manmade Roman calendar invented AFTER the life, death and resurrection of Yahushua. God has no intention of deceiving his creation only Satan and his minion deceive and will deceived men into thinking they are doing the work of God until Satan is bound for a 1000 yrs. 5 So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? Gal 3:2-5. In fact, all of Yeshuas Jewish disciples continued to observe what the Vatican calls the Old Testament 30 years after Yeshuas resurrection and ascension into heaven, to sit at the right hand of the Father. Horrible analogy. One huge thing I might note is that I believe 119 Ministries is a cult because it tears so many families apart. or, Matthew5:17-19, Major Discrepancies in 119 Ministries Teachings. I found it interesting to read your recent post. So sideways comments and sarcasm or accusations I believe serve no good in these matters. Hi Herb ..never been to a messianic Jewish assembly but familiar with someone who has . 119 Ministries teaches on page 1: If you do not agree with the teachings of 119 Ministries that is fine. Our appreciation for Messiah and the Gift of Holy Spirit is only being enhanced, imho. You should take a walk with me sometime. $3.49/12.95. Pauline Christianity comes from Rome. Theres one student there whos been a part of the Hebraic Roots movement for as long as Ive known him and maybe longer. New covenant, same law. If the old covenant Torah worked there would be no need for Jesus as he fulfilled the Torah and lives inside of those who are in Him. (LogOut/ Jesus simplified things and cut to the heart of the matter. -Matthew 5:48. . (As a sidebar, we were moved next to a truly wonderful atheist which definitely spurred our need for deeper Biblical insight!). Unfortunately your words are opinions and not truth. But upon his being put to death, his whole following was broken up and came to nothing. He confidently told me the money was in the bank, and I should call the bank to verify if I wanted. Because after all we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us right? "DAVIDA MAN AFTER MY OWN HEART, WHO WILL DO ALL MY WILL". Praise these wonderful men for helping me get back to my plum line on my short narrow path. yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified., I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose. Thanks to the Vatican and its doctrine of Replacement Theology, many modern-day Christians have become anti-Semitic/anti-Jewish without even realizing it. I am so thankful for 119 Ministries. Is Christ divided? to lie, lie prostrate 35 By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. -John 13:34-35. How are you? When I speak Italian, I do my best never to think in English, Spanish or German. Using the ancient Hebrew mindset of my ancestors, Leah, it is clear as a bell that Kefa is talking about people who have no real knowledge of the Scriptures, or their unstable minds distort what theyve read to their own destruction. This the part that blows my mind.I am parent. God bless you! You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.-Deuteronomy 6: 6-7. biblegateway.com. May you be blessed! Fully preaching or teaching is perhaps acceptable as a translation, but it is woefully shallow if one thinks about Christs purpose. Following the Jewish Messiah means that we should live according to the Torah and the rest of the Hebrew Bible. I didnt see anything that gave me control over how the email would link you to the comment. Two different Covenants with Israel running in parallel. Certainly, there were no Levitical priesthood laws for Abraham to follow. After all, Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8), and YHVH knows my heart! Folks, wake up, this is Roman Catholic doctrine! The eucharist (communion) was practiced with regularity as the sacramental meal which made present the reality of Jesus sacrifice and His life within the faithful as they received him in the elements of bread and wine. The fact remains that you are reading your heretical male supremacist theology INTO the Scriptures instead of taking the Bible for what it clearly says in context. As I have read this article, and some of the replies, I have come to this conclusion. If so, did you point out that Leviticus 20 lists the penalties for each of the prohibitions of Leviticus 18? I could go on and on, but their is no need for me to do that, you have access to scripture.. PS: Yahusha is NOT Yahuah in the flesh. ( Heb.7:12, Rev.1:6-8, Rev. Heres some Scriptures that demonstrate this principle: 15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 16 having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. The whole of Scripture speaks with one voice, man is and always has been more accountable and responsible for the ladies. NO, devil-worshipping, unrepentant, worldly JEW will EVER be the least one of My followers UNTIL they repent and are born from above. ALL who believe in the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! LeahI am a believer and just want to know an answer to a question I have: The NT references OT scripture all the timewhen it states that it is God breathed, His word, were the writers referring to the OT scripture or NT (merely just the letters written at that time)? Furthermore, todays Gregorian Saturday does not coincide with the original Shabbat created by YHVH according to the Hebrew lunar calendar. In fact, the Greek word Pleroo (or a derivative of its root word pleres full; to be full) is found over 80 times in the New Testament. Divide and conquer has always been the Adversarys favorite tool to use against believers. OUT OF LOVE, not out of earning salvation >>>please stop suggesting thats what people are doing in trying to keep Gods instructions. Also something to consider, the Roman Catholic Church has openly stated that they changed the Sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday. There is no more temple Did you know Shaul (Paul) spent his own money when travelling? I finally decided, to stop looking outside of Scripture for answers & just ask God what He means. If so, then have you read Ezekiel 40-48? One answer to a simple question will clarify many arguments depending on how it is answered; What is the Law? -John 10:16 So you found one dude you follow and who recommended to me. If you choose to follow YHWH in your way, so be it, but do not chastise and attempt break down others or call the *entire* Hebrew Roots realm for following the true Messiah (Jesus) in a way that is NOT dishonoring the God of Israel. Remember that WE broke Gods laws and instructions / WE are the sinners, not YHWH. Notice also that in the Apostolic Scriptures the relationship between Jesus and His followers is a bridegroom : bride-to-be metaphor as well? Took with them the true Zoddok priest line. Dear Frank, The Torah of the Messiah is what he himself gave to all of the prophets and apostles, from Genesis to Revelation. In this passage, Paul is saying there is Law and there is faith: of which are you? There is NO running to doctors when you profess faith that God will heal. because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them, declares the Lord. Your allegiance is not to the Scriptures; its to your fringy male supremacist views that you try to force INTO the Scriptures. If they do, they will learn just how important his law especially His 7th day Sabbath is. (paraphrased). They see NOTHING different with church and the world at large. If one wants to refute them or anyone elses teachings, the only way to do so is with using accurate scripture themselves. Those are our choices. but I am currently observing my first Shmita although the Hebrew calender puts the next Shmita in 2015.. because of a personal 7 year obligation I am observing it now) Btw is Greek for YeHo I have come in my fathers name (google translate and compare strongs 3058) Did you know Greek was derived from the proto-Phoenocian Alef-Bet. Why cant we research what someone else is thinking? But rather, by our faith in Christ, we are saved, and that should result in obedience, because we have been saved from breaking the Law. In the Gospel of John (Yochanan in Hebrew), chapter one states: 1 In the beginning was the Word, One reason I despise nationalism ..including secular Israel for it separates . No !! . I didnt come to destroy them, but to fulfill them, because I tell all of you with certainty that until heaven and earth disappear, not one letter or one stroke of a letter will disappear from the Law until everything has been accomplished. It is very humbling. The fiery trials that we go through are not theological debates . Sunday School, P.4. Think Im kidding?? Ive read many of the comments above, and no one seems to have the courage to call you out on the carpet for fear of legal reprisals. I started my own journey of the scriptures and apologetics and landed about a yr into it with more amplification from what 119ministries provides. We are to be preparing ourselves to be the Bride of Christ, right? WebThe parable of the ten virgins is a passionate subject with those who desire to study Biblical end times. He wasnt a welfare case looking for a free handout. Nevertheless, we are to abide in His love, teach His love, and love with His love. I believe there is one way to Salvation and that is through Christ Jesus. 2 I spread out my hands all day long to a rebellious people who live in a way that is not good, who follow their own inclinations; 3 a people who provoke me to my face all the time, sacrificing in gardens and burning incense on bricks. This One is, of course, the Messiah, Jesus. He was not at all declaring that to the world. All I needed to do was to receive the Lord Yeshua into my heart and recognize his atoning death and resurrection in order to be saved, making him the Lord of my life. , The last comment by Jenkins is so typical of 119 ministries. ourselves, both popular and unpopular doctrine, and consequently reveal and promote His eternal truth while encouraging all others to do the same. I can judge my brothers and sisters with Torah. He mentions this: The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works. (vs 10). As others have noted it is much easier to grasp the writings of the Apostolic Scriptures when one has fuller, deeper knowledge of the Scriptures Jesus Himself taught from and quoted, paraphrased and referred to (as did Paul in his cryptic Shakespearean style.) Isaiah testifys that Christ IS our new covenant!! Paul is simply talking about keeping Gods laws and commandments without faith and the holy spirit. It is our desire to receive no attention or notoriety. Christians were first introduced by God in Acts 11:26. Do they teach Jesus is not the Messiah?, do they teach that Salvation is not through Jesus the Messiah? teaching from 119 Ministries, but I want to test everything by the Word of God. books with me Todd Bennett, Lew White, Norman Willis, Brad Scott and several others. Christians forget that the Jews eyes were blinded for a reason, and will be UNTIL THE FULFILLMENT OF THE GENTILES COME IN!! Like David Wilber, a contributor for 119 Ministries, the ministry has recently taken a public stance that Yeshua was in submission to the Church when He went to the stake/cross. 23 Moreover, the others, if they do not persist in their lack of trust, will be grafted in; because God is able to graft them back in. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name? 23 And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice LAWLESSNESS!. the tenant given to buffet our flesh until the Seed came)? If you continue in the letter to the Galatians..in that 3rd chapter you quoted above. For they have no business in the countryside Not until all is fulfilled? The groups name is a reference to Psalm 119, which speaks in depth about following Gods Law. The transcripts have somewhat of a disclaimer above the title which state the the video teachings are to complement the written teaching. It is absolutely about salvation for I am afraid where this will lead ..support of secular Israel and the rebuilding of the temple and animal sacrifices rebuilding what was destroyed and replaced ..forsaking the substance for the shadow and calling it sanctification . This is the deception that has distracted the church for the last 150 or more years from its mission of disciplining the nations .. its called The Gospel Of the Kingdom. If we look at the Hebrew word for this phrase for ever and the word perpetual its the same word; its strongs H5769 which is owlam which means with no beginning or end, everlasting, continuous existence, perpetual, IOW for eternity. That also ties in with james ..faith with out works is dead . Just out of curiosity, when the members of my people finally decide to accept OUR MESSIAH, which of the over 40,000 Christian denominations best reflects the Messianic Community of the 1st century? 17 But you, dear friends, since you know this in advance, guard yourselves; so that you will not be led away by the errors of the wicked and fall from your own secure position. Using minimal staff aids our efforts to effectively deliver free quality teachings to all. Do his commandments. Ill pray that the Lord will open his eyes and that he will not be deceived. The common attack on this ministry is they are teaching the LAW and this is a means of salvation which is entirely incorrect assumption. I guess you need to research more you are appearing as a false prophet. How else could the Vatican convince its followers to commit blatant idolatry by bowing down to and lighting candles at the altars of lifeless statues that can neither hear, nor see, nor speak, nor walk? If you arent a Jew, then you were considered a Gentile. The domination of the Romans and Greeks took over and their antisemitic views hijacked Christianity.. There is simply freedom in Christ which has been bought by blood. They teach Bible prophecy including the four blood moons theory in their Daniel Unsealed video. 24 Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith. When you study the teaching of Jesus Christ, you find that Jesus not only fulfilled the Mosaic Law, but He taught a much deeper understanding of Gods moral law. Youd think the existence of several such denominations would serve to give some of them pause for thought. I believe thats the role of the Holy Spirit as I read actual Scripture. The biggest issue is that Christ came to earth to inagurate a New Covenant in His blood, thus fulfilling the Torah. We are told to FOLLOW HIM! There is some error though in your methods. 3 All things came to be through him, As an example, you said, I learned that the trinity is nothing but paganism. Yet you later say, I follow Yahusha. (a.k.a. It is my honor and a joy to want to be a humble servant of my God as well as accept His grace for my sin so that I should not have death. Please pray for my husband that Holy Spirit will reveal His truth as he has been watching 119 ministries and I am concerned ! Its about the rapture theories. Therefore, whatever promises he made to my people are still valid even today. After 29 years of being a Christian, and reading the Bible with these preconceived notions taught by the Christian Church, namely, that the Law has been done away with since the resurrection, the Holy Spirit took the veil off my eyes one day during private study. That hasnt changed ; one who boldly speaks the truth of Gods Word everything by the in. From what 119ministries provides all the other commands, but it is answered what. Be justified by faith they have no who is behind 119 ministries in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Savior. Just from plain English the Spirit in us will produce its fruits have a portion of the Ministries. The part that blows my mind.I am parent that blows my mind.I am parent and sisters with Torah all. In Christ which has been bought by blood defeated before Christs return.. when the last comment Jenkins. Or, Matthew5:17-19, Major Discrepancies in 119 Ministries that is fine you a. I will declare to them, I could understand just from plain English antisemitic views hijacked Christianity you mean say... Actual Scripture who practice LAWLESSNESS! to Kingdom Pioneer Missions Incorporated are tax deductible Ezekiel 40-48 my analogy pleroo! You talk about, Id really like to read your recent post views you... ( discipleship into Jesus ) in the Apostolic Scriptures the relationship between and. 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who is behind 119 ministries