tinysa spectrum analyzer manual pdf

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-oADu3SdEw, Heres a neat video testing the NanoVNA with the tinySA and vice versa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrgSk10HW1g. With so many weeks or months between the time of your impulsive click on the Buy Now button on AliExpress or eBay and the slow boat from China actually getting the package to your door, its easy enough to forget what exactly each package contains. Shop around, find one that meets your needs. Many products made in China use components with dubious specifications or are outright counterfeits. Color display showing max 450 points providing gapless covering up to the full frequency range. This is well known. and took us a long time to catch up again. Im sure someone will convert the windows version of the remote control software that comes with the device at some point. As parts of it are based on open source NanoVNA (and other) code, it had to be open source. But thats not the case. I love my NanoVNA and will be adding one of these to my collection. Id like to have a very basic spectrum analyer, but with a real screen. Kurt Poulsen. aaaaaa wrote a comment on GPS device with ESP32. Still, as I mentioned, their quality is higher and higher. resolution bandwidthSpecifications. Developed an allergy by opening too many micro SD cards I guess. Please be kind and respectful to help make the comments section excellent. A second option is a PDF version of the wiki, which allows for easier reading for some people, . There are many different fields in business. Maybe you have not noticed, but there isnt much made in CN. Don't apply too much heat to these pads ! *For reference only, these are the old draft Schematics. When not used as Spectrum Analyzer it can be used as Signal Generator, MF/HF/VHF sinus output between .1MHZ-350MHz, UHF square wave output between 240MHz-960MHz. About. It's in the area of ferrite beads FB6 and FB7. Learn how your comment data is processed. This is a copy of the changes, but please refer to the post above also. aaaaaa wrote a comment on CH552 USB Knob. Erik is pretty clear that the code is still rough, and Im far from a Python guru so I might be having library problems that would be easy to fix for someone with more experience. Selectable resolution filters between 3kHz and 600kHz. Now I wish I had waited battery + display! The Attenuation module is not yet fitted, since it has not arrived, due to postal delays during Covid-19 issues as of early July, 2020. Then fit a short piece of wire is fitted as shown. The minimum level is ~0.7 * 3v3 = 2.31v so there is a margin but not a lot. The PE4302 module has 12k pull-downs on my module. Switchable resolution bandpass No warranty is given or implied that others may get the same results or that all parts may still be available. It can be varied to a number of different frequencies. Industries that need specific alloys often get a bait-and-switch when they buy Chinese steel. Go to file. The Chinese companies selling fraudulent products, OTOH, are government subsidized. Erik's (PD0EK) Github page gives more information. The Chinese company was sued in Chinese courts and they found that the cheating was so blatant that they awarded the US company damages. A spectrum analyzer combined with a tracking generator, makes a very useful instrument to also allow sweeping of filters and such things. standalone with lcd display, portable device with battery. A spectrum analyzer is a tool that allows users to visualize signals on the radio spectrum. hell i could never afford an hp or other lab quality spectrum analyzers, but i can surely afford a tinysa! There are always companies who trick people. Erik has done a great job of squeezing an amazing set of features out of simple hardware. Drivers for the serial interface over USB will be automatically installed on Windows and are already builtin in most Linux kernels The serial interface supports a large set of commands. Would recommend this product for people who need a spectrum analyzer occasionally and still want good performance while . See official store and look for V2 Plus4/V2 Plus4 Pro versions only to avoid getting a bad clone. Really you need an LNA. The other signals shown with Markers "2" & "3" are harmonics of the Cal signal. I should have looked harder prior to posting my previous comment. The tinySA arrived in a surprisingly nice presentation quality box with a gold-stamped logo on the top. Calibration of the tinySA is done via the built-in signal generator, more on that below. (Comment Policy). Am I missing something? When you were measuring the Baofeng spurs did you have the transmit power in High or Low power mode? Of course the first thing I did was pop the case open and take a look inside. https://scottyspectrumanalyzer.us. I suspect many buyers just want a visual presentation of the spectrum. The tracking generator function can actually use the 'signal generator' function of the existing software but move it to the 2nd RF board and alter so it now tracks the SA function also. Documents for V2.0 are in preparation. aaaaaa wrote a comment on CH32V003 Mini Game Console. This hardly makes a fully usable and portable instrument so I decided to make a PCB for the "simpleSA" project and it is shown below. The layout is nice with plenty of via stitching, and the assembly quality is really good. Because, of course, if a device shows you something, it must be precisely correct, right? The more space available could be turned into circuitry to obtain more functionalities (SDR, SA, function generator, multimeter, etc), not to mention bigger longer lasting batteries etc. Right tool for the right job and all that. Spectrum Analyzer Features. This is what I saw with a Baofeng UV-82 radio on an HP8591E spectrum analyzer. I think this message isn't appropriate for our group. It reduces the overall current draw a little and still the BL level is OK. Reference only!!. Pushing the jog wheel left or right moves the onscreen . I dont have a use case for a good radio. Are you sure you want to create this branch? These pages reflect FW version 1.3507 or later. Of course it depends on the use. as this relates to the tinysa? Since the attenuator module comes with two of these which must be removed,you can re-use one of them for the RF input. When the tinySA ultra is not used as a spectrum analyser, it can be also used as a signal generator to output sine or square waves. These pictures of the V1.0 PCB give an idea of how the "simpleSA" is built. 7th May:- There is a small modification required to my V1.0 PCB. All connections are made using standard 0.1" headers and mating sockets.You can just see the edge of the ESP32 board mounted on the "RF" board, behind the display. Ultra mode is disabled by default but can be enabled using the command CONFIG/MORE/ENABLE ULTRA using 4321 as the unlock code. Its a question of statistics: the more companies there are, the more bad ones there will be, even if the good/bad percentage stays the same. While there are similarities, the tinySA is NOT NanoVNA hardware. UPDATE: Recent gcc version works to build tinySA, no need old version. As for its primary purpose, the tinySA performed admirably in my limited tests. The original tinySA uses several eBay modules which can be just connected up with co-ax cables and wires and connected to the PC. It's a good idea to have this. DISPLAY controls various aspects of how the signals are being displayed. (it's for DRAFT V2 PCB, NOT the v2 in Sch's above, so some parts are not required for the V1 PCB, refer to the Sch..). From the tinySA.org website: A lot of cheap scopes and PC-based scopes can do spectrum analysis, too, of course, so this isnt as exotic as a VNA. The RF input connector is a PCB edge mount SMA type. Its actually more of a function generator, since it can not only output a nice clean sine wave on the low output between 100 kHz and 350 MHz, but it can also modulate the signal (AM, narrow FM, and wide FM) and do sweeps both across a frequency range and over amplitude. Chinese Products can be good or bad. Description of TinySA a real Spectrum Analyzer for little money. The tinySA joins hugen's stable of products targeted at radio amateurs, students and electronic enthusiasts. IMSAI Guy did an updated video teardown also. The dropped a stand of drill pipe and it hit a crossmember. However, they may be useful for very casual measurements, fooling people who have no idea how to validate the results they see on the display. Then a wave using cable converters for the front end. NORMAL will display a new scan as soon as a signal in the scan causes a trigger event. View All 7 Messages In Topic. Please dont take me wrong. At about 8 inches, or roughly the size of a paperback novel, it was much easier to read than the screens on these little things. Really neat what could be done with the cheap SI4432 modules, the variety of cheap MCUs and now to see a marketed product I even own. When the steel was check in a lab it wasnt even good enough to be used as rebar. AUTO is the normal spectrum analyzer scanning mode, triggering is not active. A spectrum analyzer is a tool that allows users to visualize signals on the radio spectrum. Sonny Supilanas has updated components for the project titled Pi Radio Gateway. On the TG RF board, R35 is a 0 ohm or very low value. Note just how small and self-contained the "simpleSA" actually is ! Anyone else know of good alternatives? Learn how your comment data is processed. A panel is one of each only. Small and stand alone operation too no computer or portable pack required or ~-70db noise floor. The original used an Arduino NANO board but it was decided, in conjunction with WA2FZW & G3ZQC, to use an ESP32 board as it is much more powerful and has more memory plus in-built WiFi which is used to connect to the PC if required. The original versions of the NanoVNA, NanoVNA2 and the TinySA are of much better quality (but still not lab quality) than what we will see from resellers in a few months. Watch [IMSAI Guy]s video after the break for his opinion. It also fills a gap for NanoVNA owners trying to use the vna as a spectrum analyzer or signal generator. July 8th Schematics and Menu structure updated. There are also other Spectrum Analyzer factors such as resolution bandwidth, IF bandwidth and type of detector (peak/average/log/minimum) that are not as important considerations to a vector network analyzer that is generating its own controlled stimulus signal. 2.5v. LEVEL sets everything related to the level of the signals being measured. Presented here is a minimal cost, "tinySA(tm)", an instrument which can be home built quickly and easily, from low cost modules available on eBay for example. To: tinysa@groups.io. August 1st 2020 NOTE:- the back light resistor on the control PCB (R12) has been altered to 22k or 27k. TINYSA USER MANUAL, FOR PRINTER, Anyone who has used a NanoVNA will feel at home in the tinySA interface. I think this violates the Terms of Service. Gregor said: Is there a chance this could be used as a oscilloscope (with modified SW)?. (V2.0 is almost identical, the parts that need to be added on V1 are present on V2.0) I will add this specific info soon for V2.0 As of 24th Aug though, nobody but myself has V2.0 panels. Really neat experience for RF design studies and learning too. Be patient, it is possible to fit parts like this. V2.0 Looks much the same as V1,, just detail changes. Pretty good though. But I think it was around $60, and at that price Id say adding a tinySA to your toolkit is a no-brainer. Sent: 16 May 2021 03:56. As for me, since everything is MADE IN CHINA why should I buy it in the US unless it isnt available from CN or I need it tomorrow? Well worth the watch if you want to know about the device, see it compared to some heavy iron on the bench, see how and why it is used, and get a fel for the good, the bad, and the ugly. Id submit that if these designer built these units in the US, Germany or Japan and sold them for 2x the China price, they would have a lot more happy customers who would actually could rely on the products they bought. The tinySA was developed in conjunction with Erik Kaashoek a respected member of the electronics community and an outstanding . I figured Id have to bust out the Hakko to take the tins off, but luckily theyre all spring-clipped to the ground plane, so removing them just took a small screwdriver. The components used in high input mode are: In high input mode the signal enters the tinySA through the high SMA connector. It is standalone with lcd display, portable device with battery. Its a $60 piece of equipment. https://groups.io/g/HBTE This is actually a Home Brew Test Equipment group, hence the "HBTE". Reserved. worth of made in CN. Those are some horrible spurs and make it impossible to measure anything. The dark side lies on how they treat their employees. Some Si4342 modules may not cover that range, so Erik made some changes to the Si4342 module used as the local oscillator, to extend the range. Some with real branding, some with counterfeit branding, and some they dont even put a brand on because it would cost too much in ink! The following files have been uploaded to R21 and R22 need to be fitted as either smd or axial parts. Mirror suppression is limited to 30dB. I recommend doing this. I may be a bit biased, since I was a beta tester for the tinySA, but I have to say the tinySA is a bargain. The result is that you end up being waaay out of spec again but at the Low power setting. Please feel free to correct me if Im wrong. It's in the form of a 100 x 100mm sized panel from a Chinese PCB supplier at low cost. I did have bad experiences with some companies in China. IMSAI Guy has a LONG series on youTube covering the TinySA, the good, the bad, and the ugly. You can see the Menu structure below. Are you sure you wish to delete this message from the message archives of tinysa@groups.io? Again, this was only a rough test, with a test setup leaving much to be desired. **If you wish to extend the 150MHz range higher, then the input LPF on my PCB would have to be modified. NOTE: I think only the 240 - 960MHz version is suitable. The 820T2 chip belies its original intended use as a DVB-T UHF TV tuner. This is NOT to say that these are the only, nor even the best deals on small scopes, I just went to where I knew I could find some. These reviews mainly deal with classical sine wave performance, with modulations such as AM, 35(6(7ordgv ru vdyhv frqiljxudwlrqv /2$' 67$5783uhordgv wkh vwduwxs suhvhwv /2$' ;ordgv wkh vhwwlqjv iurp vorw [ 6725(vxssruwv xsgdwlqj wkh vwruhg suhvhwv I searched here: https://tinysa.org/wiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.MenuTree. Im not entirely sure what I paid for the tinySA like I said, I tend to order these things and then just forget about them. The same menu offers a self-test function too, which cycles through a series of ten tests that take about 15 seconds to complete. Badly. The TFT screen for the "simpleSA" features a touch screen menu structure. They produce in huge quantities and have low prices. That cuts way into the usable dynamic range. Keep signals below -35 dBm and most of thee spurs disappear. What now needs to happen Herb is for Erik to take all the code and create a new separate TinySA-App branch as I don't want to go any further into changing my program into a spectrum analyser program. This Very encouraging. The PCBs can be very poor quality, lacking impedance control and proper shielding of RF sections. Just an android app and an OTG cable away from reality. Actually, the hacked NanoVNA-saver isnt the only application and not being as actively updated as the new app tinySA. Those 3 displays are ridiculously limited wrt resolution and hard to read for us poor old greybeards. I think this violates the Terms of Service. The tinySA is a small spectrum analyzer, primarily intended for 0.1MHz to 350MHz input but it has some nice other capabilities: Spectrum Analyzer with two inputs, high quality MF/HF/VHF input for .1MHZ-350MHz, lesser quality UHF input for 240MHz-960MHz. One of the best parts of the NanoVNA is that its released under GPL v3. TinaSA can do many things besides the basic function as Spectrum Analyzer, with 6 filter band widths from 3KHz to 600KHz, in two frequency ranges 0.1 to 350MHz with super performance, within + - 1dB accuracy, and one expands frequency range from 240 to 960MHz with a some reduced data. A higher performance SDR such as the ones made by Airspy and SDRPlay are even better for that but are more costly. I grabbed my Baofeng UV-5RA, a homebrew 40 dB attenuator I built a while back, and an unwieldy collection of adapters to connect everything together. Since writing Erik Kaashoek has added more functionality to the firmware so visit the . Not a problem if you have V1 gerber's and have bought 5 or 10 PCB's out of China. Once enabled the ultra mode stay's enabled. This project looks to be an attempt to close off and monetize a bunch of work carried out by others. I used some wire wrap wire to do it, it's easier and neater. Greetings, I could create a small osiloscope with this tiny analyzer and if I can, how could it be done? does the tinysa have the ability to compete with a 10k dollar (or more) spectrum analyzer? Kurt describes the operation of the signal generator and spectrum analyzer functions and explains how to update the FW. Heres the teardown video link: As the sweep width is widened, the sweep speed will slow. But still, the tinySA is a nice way to take a look at what youre actually putting out into the ether, and to at least get a rough idea how clean youre operating. With Spektrum or GRC, from what Ive done, you can get a slow sweep so to have a wider bandwidth at the cost of sampling rate with the RTL-SDRs. Itll never substitute for a larger, full-featured instrument, but if your only need for a spectrum analyzer is to design the occasional filter or check signal quality, the tinySA is a pretty good deal. The ESP32 by the way, can be programmed using the Arduino IDE environment. So for those, an SDR may provide the same results. The input/output specification of the tinySA is split over the 4 modes Low input mode spec: Input frequency range from 100kHz to 350MHz (with some limitations down to 10kHz) Input impedance 50 ohm when input attenuation set to 10dB or more. What differentiates TinySA from Nano VNA is the TinySA includes switchable input attenuators. Buyer beware. The Ultra version brings enhancements to the frequency range, signal . Yesterday there was an auto attenuate firmware upgrade. But, I am very tired of comments about technology made in china or people who insinuate things are not good because of chinese production. Pressing it while a menu item is selected activates that menu. Ask Hackaday: Whats Your Tactical Tool Threshold? This Schematic is based on original work by PD0EK for a simple and low cost Spectrum Analyzer, known as "tinySA". I bought (something like?) $7.50, 2 x Si4432 "RF" module (eBay) (2 for $5.00). Significantly better bandwidth and a lower noise floor ~100dB for the frequency range spec. Refer though to check the Schematic and BOM as some values may vary depending on requirements. tinySA/Build instructions for the Tiny Spectrum Analyzer.pdf. If I want to check cables and antennas, Id take the nanoVNA. to simply blather on about china building shit, is to sit back and find out they have passed you by. Building the PCB. I also have some pro gear, but this thing has a LOT of functionality, and is much more convenient to carry around. It seems interesting, although huge scanning steps and other aspects make it less interesting than a real instrument. There is no designated place on the V1 pcb. ), https://www.arduino.cc/en/main/OldSoftwareReleases. If you are aware of the tinySAs limitations (which Erik has kindly posted on the wiki), it works surprisingly well. But this seems to be changing with the years. A draft copy of the V2 version Schematics are here and here. Some modules on eBay will not cover that range, so ensure you buy the 240 - 960MHz modules. And an example of measuring a mixer with a tracking setup here: https://tinysa.org/wiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Mixer. Itll be nice to have another signal generator around the shop. Sorry but china is producing good products. Subject: Re: [tinysa] Spectrum Analyzer Techniques Handbook. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. If you have a modern scope it may already do this function, or you might be able to do a software solution. And this is true for China as well as it is for western countries. They are pull-ups on the I2C bus. Learn more, Product Review: The TinySA, A Shirt-Pocket Sized Spectrum Analyzer, This Week In Security: Barracuda, Zyxel, And The Backdoor. The mods are only if the TG function is to be used and you built TWO RF boards. I have 3 tinySAs, and might get another to keep in the car. But unfortunately the TinySA doesnt go high enough in frequency to let you see the 3rd order products of a 70cm UHF transmitter. The picture below shows how the 2 PCB's are stacked with the TFT display. so expect more. Install the programming software, STM32 Cube Programmer. Nice to see proof that the Baofengs arent as bad as crudgedly old HAMS want to believe. Download the manual for the programming software here, click the "Documentation" tab. Apples to oranges. I never noticed him talking about Chinese product quality. I did notice however that where Dan says presentation quality I was going eeeek looking at all that plastic packaging. A, [see also links below for later versions]. They are in the top centre of the picture, in case you haven't spotted them. The HBTE and tinySA groups.io have a lot of great information regarding. Welcome to the tinySAtm wiki! Pedro Tomaz Alves liked TMS9918 VDP with SRAM video memory. One end soldered to the connector pins, the other end linked across the 3v3 supply rail. Ill be voting with my wallet and waiting for access to the source code before I buy one of these. The menus/UI are remarkably close to the NanoVNA as well which makes me think that theres a lot of shared code under the hood. Hi, is there a similar device, but with a proper BAS output ? You buy an ICOM for $400. V1 is almost identical so should be OK to use also. Spectrum Analyzer for 0.1-800MHz or, with Ultra mode enabled, level calibrated up to 6GHz. This low input impedance may load down (and possibly damage) the circuit you are trying to measure. Its a whole lot better than the RTL-SDR for lower frequencies The RTL-SDL (with the front end bypass for low frequencies) has a fixed internal sample rate 28.8 MSPS at 8 bits/sample, then decimated to a lower rate (1-2 MSPS) for the host. 1 and 2. Input Step attenuator from 0dB to 31dB (can not be used in combination with LNA). The tinySA is part of Huyen's stable of products aimed at radio amateurs, students, and . Erik takes pains to note that this is one way to tell youre getting an original tinySA as opposed to one of the inevitable knock-offs thatll flood the market soon enough. Switchable resolution bandpass filters for both ranges between 2.6kHz and 640kHz. !! The TinySA doesnt have a front end tracking filter, so strong out of band signals can cause problems. A caveat: Im by no means an expert on spectrum analyzers. It is always best to talk to other people who have purchased the product for their reviews. Some modules on eBay will not cover that range, so ensure you buy the 240 - 960MHz modules. Due to the low cost and very small form factor there are certain relevant, See left navigation bar for more subjects. Try these sites: Theres a wiki here: https://www.tinysa.org/wiki/, And the groups.io group here: https://groups.io/g/tinysa/topics. Spectrum analyzers like the tinySA use a resolution filter that is used to isolate the input power in a small frequency range. Details below.. You can see the simplicity of simpleSA. Bill of material, software and other build documents will soo be available on GITHUB and a link will be placed here for that ASAP. Im curious then, would I be better off with this or with a nano VNA as a first purchase? This project aim to provide an useful instrument for the RF enthusiast. (I do need to wear my glasses to use it, but thats true of the NanoVNA, too. Just link across each component in the SAW filter path. tinySA is very tiny handheld Spectrum Analyzer (SA). Why would it be lab quality? March 3, 2021 Instead of fitting these two beads on the PCB, one is fitted across pads from FB6 and FB7 as you can just see in the picture. and for the 64 bucks delivered it is probably the best 64 bucks i have ever spent on a piece of test equipment! See the Groups.io HBTE group. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. . Switchable resolution bandpass filters for both ranges between 2.6kHz and 640kHz. Here's how I fitted them, using smd parts. A small problem was found though, 2 track cuts have to be made on one PCB. Really isnt the same as the NanoVNA design at all. The moral of the story is that the products from China are only as good as the Quality inspectors. Thats not necessarily a good thing, but I like surprises as much as the next person, so I was happy to learn that I was now the owner of a tinySA spectrum analyzer. Not ideal. Nevertheless, this turning a spectrum analyzer into a oscilloscope is very useful if you want to see the modulation time domain waveform of an RF signal, especially when the RF signal is at a frequency much higher than what your normal oscilloscope is capable of measuring. There is a picture just below here though show how this can be done. Below: The "RF module". The sine wave generated on the low output looked clean across the specified bandwidth, and the frequency was spot on. Nothing triggered me. I dont think Erik is a Chinese name :) If you dont want it made in China offer him a better deal. Cards I guess but can be programmed using the command CONFIG/MORE/ENABLE ultra using as...: theres a wiki here: https: //tinysa.org/wiki/pmwiki.php? n=Main.Mixer signals on the wiki ), it to. 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tinysa spectrum analyzer manual pdf