In 1988, he committed his first murder. Throughout his trial, Tsutomu Miyazaki remained incredibly calm. Who begged for the lives of the ones they took? That's it. JapanToday He didn't just kill his little victims; one little girl he burned, put the ashes in a box and left them on her parents' doorstep with a letter describing what he'd done. Miyazaki kept to himself and rarely participated in social events or made many friends. They get the punishment that is doled out. Miyazaki's premature birth left him with a deformed hand, causing permanently gnarled wrist. Like the Hinomaru flagAfter a while, the body is covered with stretch marks. WebTsutomu Miyazaki was born on 21 August 1962 in Itsukaichi, Tokyo, the eldest son of a wealthy family. The issue of whether or not to use capital punishment should be one for the Japanese to decide for themselves, and not foreigners. Tsutomu Miyazaki was born on August 21st 1962 in Itsukaichi, Tokyo, Japan. Therefore what the state has done to him is effectively what he did to these poor children, in terms of the ultimate consequence rather than the horrific details. the poster-boy for the death penaltygood bye and good riddance. Though he was expected to take over his fathers job when he retired, Miyazaki expressed no interest in doing so. That is punishment!. that fact that he did not want to makes it a more fitting punishment for what he did. In cases like Miyazaki, who is morally corrupt to the the core to begin with, how could it be? I would like to add that of course that guy was a monster and people like him should never be released, but I strongly oppose to death penalty for the above reasons. " The only difference is, it's done in a closed room and not in public! When the vast majority of Japanese society (81.4% of Japanese support the death penalty. Is all punishment torture? A couple of appeals and 3-4 years to think about it is enough, isn't it? Seems to be people here are talking with their emotions and/or An innocent person may be sentanced to death, and until we become perfect, that chance will never be completely diminished. He confessed to having killed four girls, aged between four and seven, in Tokyo and its suburbs and eating some of the remains of two of them. The father attacked Miyazaki, and got his daughter out of the car but was unable to subdue Miyazaki, who fled on foot. Of course there's still the question of what to do with all these murderers, but honestly I have no answer to this one - it's too complicated for me to comprehend and that's why I'm very glad I'm not responsible for law creation in any country. Stocks and bonds above the life of a four-year old child? And how do you think your actions would be perceived? WOWby hanging. That's the point here. While I agree that Miyazaki is probably the best candidate for the death penalty and I hope the families of the girls he killed feel somehow relieved at his passing, I disagree that only 'we Japanese' can comment on the death penalty as pathat demands. The minuscule possibility that someone may be wrongfully sentenced to death is heavily outweighed by the needs of Justice. However in this case, where guilt is proven, why should he be put in prison forever? It goes against my views. Again, he sexually assaulted the corpse and left it naked in the woods while he took the victims clothing with him. I really dont know how to put it into words, but knowing that the kind of person who committed these sorts of crimes continued to benefit from the protections afforded by the very society he (or she) so brazenly spit in the face of - e.g., locked in a cell, partaking of food, medical care, and housing provided by society until he died a natural death . For the state to lower itself to the level of the killer is reprehensible. Miyazaki is just such a case. Born prematurely on August 21, 1962, Miyazaki was born with a physical defect in which his palms and fingers were fused and made him unable to bend his wrists perfectly. And, of course, they discovered the body of his fourth victim, decomposing in his bedroom closet, her hands missing. You guys? There's no one here but you and I. If revenge was an appropriate response then our world would be in very good shape. . I was actually here in Japan when Tsutomu was on the rampage! I cant do it. More and more countries are demanding the right to possess nuclear technology. But my main objection is one of principle - for the state to kill as punishment for killing is plainly absurd. go home every day after work. Tsutomu Miyazaki was born on August 21, 1962, in Itsukaichi, Tokyo, Japan under the zodiac sign of Leo. What hypothetical "they" say is irrelevant. Sadly, peoples fear of his hands did not gain him any friends, and he was rejected by others, including his sisters, per the book Supernatural Serial Killers . Miyazaki had an average height and his zodiac sign was Leo. Said that is what is happening in general populace any better than sharia/ancient laws or the guys that would kill the guy themselves?
I believe human kind is wholly incapable of evolving, due in no small part to how we treat those we feel have done us wrong. Tsutomu Miyazaki was prematurely born to Katsumi and Rieko Miyazaki in Itsukaichi, Tokyo on August 21, 1962 weighing only 4.8 pounds. How much tax yen does it take for ditchwater, slops and a bucket? It is a means of exacting what the Japanese feel is the proper punishment for certain crimes, especially the most serious crimes in which the perpetrator shows no remorse for his or her actions; as was the case with Miyazaki. He was born to father Katsumi Miyazaki and was born prematurely with deformed hands. It isnt about other posters. WebMiyazakis father had been deeply ashamed of his sons actions and refused to pay for his legal defense. Eventually, he removed her hands and feet and kept them in his closet. WebTsutomu Miyazaki was born on 21st August 1962 in Itsukaichi, Tokyo, Japan. Good riddance. To WillB: My sympathy? What gives us the right to execute? Not saying I am disagreeing. Dead people are not proof of anything besides that they are dead. How incredibly conceited. Someone asked how the people who were against the death penalty would react if it was their children or loved ones who were killed, wouldn't they want vengeance. We are human, and there is no chance. But how do we know that they would re-offend, we don't as they are dead and thus never had a chance to show us either way. Is my adamant refusal to endorse the use of cluster bombs therefore sad? But, it would ensure that the individual who did it would never do it to someone else's loved one, due to whatever reason. Mamoru Takuma did as well. A handicap that prevents him from rotating his hands upwards. Had it ever occurred to you that even those with criminal minds draw a line somewhere, namely at the brutal murder of children? Either way he is sentenced to death. Yes Zen, I do believe I would. Tsutomu Miyazaki was born in Itsukaichi, Tokyo, on August 21, 1962, and had a very difficult childhood. Miyazaki moved into his parents' house and shared a room with his older sister. Enthusiasts of the art form rejected the label and argued that there was no basis for their claims that manga had turned Miyazaki into a killer. Though he recalled that during this period he considered suicide, he remembered his grandfather helping him through. He was born 1st of 3 children and raised by both parents. If someone raped, murdered, mutilated, and burnt your little daughter and then called you to tease you about it, would you still pontificate like this? Also a cannibal and a necrophile, he was apparently influenced by Japanese anime and po*nography. I don't support vigilantism, as that can be as flawed as the legal system, but sometimes they draw one's empathy, and that of society as a whole. Not much rehabilitation could have taken place and mental illness is all the more reason to remove hime permanently from society. Miyazaki's premature birth left him with deformed hands, which were permanently gnarled and fused directly to the wrists, necessitating I would much rather see them subjected to 40 years of torture to reflect on their errors. Would you be given a vigilante award and a pat on the back and let go free or do you think you would be prosecuted and tried as just another criminal? By this time, panic had set in among the parents of little girls in Saitama prefecture. The police identified Konnos remains from the box he had sent her parents. Not only for the victims, but for those left behind, and society as well. I talked with a number of Japanese co-workers today about this issue. However, as I said above, what about the innocent person that gets a life sentence and ends up dying in prison? He was born 1st of 3 children and raised by both parents. Psychoanalysts who examined him during the trial pinpointed his lack of connection with his parents as an early sign of his disturbance. As my good friend Cleo pointed out, Tsutomu was just not a child killer and a pedophile, but rather he tormented the families of his victims. I'm sure those who've had their lives cut short by these sub-humans would agree to have them go through the horrors that they had to. The possiblity of an innocent being put to death or put in prison for life (which results in death) will NEVER be completely gone. Then, he dumped her body unceremoniously in a parking lot and her clothes nearby in a wood. You know, reduce, reuse, recycle? And sympathy by some for creates of this type (google him, if you don`t know) while not giving a thought to the victims is hypocritical at best. State-sanctioned revenge would result in anarchy. . weird? Miyazaki himself admitted that after his grandfather was cremated, he ate some of the ashes in order to feel close to him while distancing himself from his family. In this case, hang him high! And between killing a person by hanging, or killing a person by having them rot in a cell for 50 years, I prefer the rope. An alleged early class photo of Tsutomu Miyazaki in more innocent years. Rot in Hell Tsutomu!!! The issue of whether or not to use capital punishment should be one for the Japanese to decide for themselves, and not foreigners.>. Do any of you honestly believe that he would just go into hiding and leave everyone alone? Decent men with loving families If they did it, why would I beg for their lives? But is this deterring anyone from such heinous crimes? What's the point in having them rot in jail while tax payers pay. " In 1988, he committed his first murder. By doing so, you will also receive an email inviting you to receive our news alerts. Following the logic, prisoners should not be killed or punished in any way. He was born with a severe wrist deformity which affected his confidence and his ability to make friends. Just can't happen. To a man-and I only had a chance to talk to men this time-they stated their support for the death penalty for the most despicable of criminals-which is what Miyazaki was. His oddly shaped hands and fingers were a result of his premature birth. Very nice. Miyazakis death sentence was upheld after two appeals, once in 2001 and again in 2006. If I tried to talk to my parents about my problems, theyd just brush me off, he told police following his arrest. He had a Dissociative identity disorder - think Gollum/Smeagol from Lord of the Rings. hang all the rest of them. . False analogy! In August of 1988, just one day after his 26th birthday, Tsutomu Miyazaki abducted four-year-old Mari Konno. Or would you sink to the same level of the person that did the crime for the sake of REVENGE only to posibbly end up on deathrow yourself. Too bad it doesn't bring the girls back. . I am done debating this topic. Chiyoda-ku Miyazaki had an average height and his zodiac sign was Leo. Miyazaki was raised as a oldest child and had two younger sisters. Tsutomu Miyazaki was His mother, Rieko Miyazaki, I expressed no sympathy for Miyazaki. I am glad that the parents of the girls now have closure and don`t have to live with the thought that this cretin will be relaesed into the population again one day. (THAT, IMHO, is in fact a good thing). Though he wasnt a social student, he was a successful one and he ranked in the top 10 of his class. within the the month. Within the next eight months, the murderer would escalate as two more children would go missing both young girls, and both in the same manner. With their execution, the number of inmates executed under But make no mistake, neither will a life sentence. murderers, and child molesters all I'm not British, so I do not understand the need to have public executions either. Then you could say we would be at the same level. Miyazaki then called her family. Don't get me wrong I have NO good feelings for Miyazaki, just don't feel that the death penalty is the right answer. On Jan 17, 2006, the top court ruled that an extreme character disorder could be found in Miyazaki, but that he was completely mentally competent at the time of the crime, denying he had any mental disorder that would make him unable to bear criminal responsibility. The older sister ran to get her father, who arrived to find Miyazaki taking photos of his daughter in the car. From a practical sense, moral superiority sounds great when you arent on the receiving end of something as horrendous as what this man did to four children, but when youre the victim, I can assure you, it isnt quite as black and white. If Japan decides that the death penalty is an acceptable form of punishment (81% say yea), then thats just the way is goes for now. I don't think this is a suitable thread to discuss its pros and cons. I'm pretty sure if my loved ones were killed by, say, a freak lawn-mover accident, I'd want the maker of that lawn mover and probably also the store clerk who sold it to me drawn and quartered - should such law be created?. I realise the flaws of capital punishment, and am glad to have been born in a country in which it has been abolished. WebTemplate:Infobox Serial Killer Tsutomu Miyazaki ( Miyazaki Tsutomu?, August 21, 1962June 17, 2008), also known as The Otaku Murderer, The Little Girl Murderer, and Dracula, was a Japanese serial killer. Tsutomu Miyazaki, the death row inmate convicted of murdering four young girls in 1988 and 1989 in Tokyo and Saitama Prefecture, was executed Tuesday, the Justice Ministry said. I don't think I would have lost much sleep over that, even. He was staunchly against the death penalty due to his (warped) religious beliefs -- the one that allows pedophiles to masquerade as priests. My question is: Would you support the death penalty if your child or loved one was the person who had a committed a vicious murder/murders? If he had, what then? It was so rigid before, but now it feels like its full of water. Don't you dare try to lower me to that level. That being said, I can't help but think that some criminals violate their right to live.
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