No artistic skill is required. This is the nal check-in for participants and your chance to get comfortable on the stage. Let's make those poses go from ow to wow! Feel empowered, believe in yourself, and find confidence, all through the art of cosplay! Learn to Play: Tiny Epic TacticsTiny Epic Tactics utilizes a simple combat system with variable player powers and 3D terrain to achieve endless layers of strategy and fun. Live-action film adaptations of manga, video games, and anime are generally terrible. Was there something you loved, or something you thought could be improved? If you read manga or play games in English, thank a translator\localizer. Come join the Manga Library staff in their discussion about art vs. story. Sat 2:00pm3:00pm Chibi Room (C120C122). All donations from the photobooth will benefit Kumoricons charity recipients: Doernbecher Children's Hospital, and The Greeney Family Fund for Japanese Track Scholarships at The International School. Web/ portland anime convention 2022. portland anime convention 2022. And feel free to bring penlights if you really want to rock out the remainder of Kumoricon in style! Sat 2:00pm3:00pm Coliseum (Oregon Ballroom 203204). Fri 11:00pm12:00am Auditorium (Oregon Ballroom 201). Prizes will be given out to participants and winners! Fri 9:00pm10:30pm Auditorium (Oregon Ballroom 201). Fri 9:00am2:00am Manga Library (Willamette 1A1B)Sat 9:00am2:00am Manga Library (Willamette 1A1B)Sun 9:00am4:00pm Manga Library (Willamette 1A1B). Ever wanted to be rewarded for your K-pop knowledge? More complicated models than those offered during the Short and Sweet course! With 10+ years uploading content to the internet, Caleb Hyles shares his thoughts on the ever-growing, video-uploading platform and some of the difficult realities of being an online influence and creator. Let's chat and learn from each other! WebMarch Return to top Get In Touch Our knowledgeable staff is ready to help. Memorialize your experience with an exclusive pin and a signed instant photograph from our staff. Come learn to swing swords exactly like some your favorite playable characters from Genshin Impact. Join Red Leaf Cosplay and explore personal growth through the art of cosplay. and Dr. Stone, BURNOUT SYNDROMES has come to rock your night away! Bring your cosplay to life with instruction by trained swordsman/martial artist American Ninja Warrior competitor Israel Del Rio and trained HEMA fencing instructor Cameron Turner, founding members of Luminous Movement. It quickly becomes clear there is more to Ohtori Academy than high school clubs and teen dramasomething supernatural is at play. To discover the secrets of the student council and the mysterious rose bride, Utena will have to revolutionize the world. Join Kumoricon's official Ghost Neko cosplayers for fun filled photo ops and videos! Presented by the team at Anibros Creative for their 15th appearance at Kumoricon! A Japanese bracelet is a symbol of good luck. And some products are based on cultural mistakes! Tools and customization materials will be provided. You've got a character in mind, you've got a plan, and you're ready to make your first cosplay! Fri 10:00pm12:00am Main Events (Hall A1). Please come even if you were not able to join us in 2021. Anime Convention with Comics, I've been there too. You play as a prehistoric predator competing for territory and resources against other predators. We will conclude by looking at particularly exquisite examples of textiles and briefly touch on how they are represented in anime and manga. Maybe you have a slightly higher interest in poison drenched daggers than the average Joe? Let's party hard enough Igor gets a migrainefor real! (PS4), Sun 11:00am3:00pm Tabletop Gaming (Regency Ballroom B). No, I don't think you read that right. Come join Jotaro and Kakyoin in this 18+ panel! Fri 5:30pm6:30pm Auditorium (Oregon Ballroom 201). Come meet Shujin's okay-est, along with any other strays we pick up along the way. Find out what it's like working with this unique plot, including the fun of two actors voicing a similar body. Plus, there'll be experienced builders hosting the room, as well, if you'd like tips, have any questions, or just want to chat about model building. Autographs for this guest are paid. WebJoin tens of thousands of fans who are just like you and experience the ultimate playground for comics, sci-fi, horror, anime, and gaming. Guest readers are available if you lack extrovertedness. Sat 7:00pm8:00pm Main Events (Hall A1). Create your own Japanese-style fans. Can you tell the difference? Fri 10:00am11:00pm Tabletop Gaming (Regency Ballroom B)Sat 8:00am11:00pm Tabletop Gaming (Regency Ballroom B)Sun 8:00am5:00pm Tabletop Gaming (Regency Ballroom B). Want to take your posing game from loss to boss? Fri 3:00pm4:30pm Autographs (Hall C)Sat 2:00pm3:30pm Autographs (Hall C). Fri 12:30pm2:00pm Umbrella Lounge (Regency Ballroom C). Sat 4:30pm5:30pm Workshop 1 (B117B119). What will you learn here? Fri 2:30pm7:00pm Autographs (Hall C)Sat 3:30pm7:00pm Autographs (Hall C)Sun 1:00pm3:30pm Autographs (Hall C). One of the internet's greatest pieces of fanimation. Sumo wrestling is fascinating. This is the panel for you! An at-con, no-cost reservation may be required. The greatest show in all of anime sports entertainment has come to Portland's own Kumoricon! Play favorite versions such as Fantasy, Cthulhu, Super or more modern ones like Shakespeare, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and more. Experience the AMV-editing fandom and its history through this collection of retro hits! This will be a chance for people to come and experience a boffer combat game. Sat 6:00pm7:00pm Live Events 1 (C123C124). Mr. Aizawa, along with some of UA's finest students, will take you through different games to test your heroism. EVENT DAY & TIME: Saturday, 9:00 PM. Featuring videos from 2004 onward, this showing will fill you with nostalgia and appreciation for the creators who submitted videos throughout the years. Dance the night away in a more relaxed version of the ball without the strict dress code! Paper and a variety of art supplies will be available. Sat 10:30pm11:30pm Workshop 1 (B117B119). The AFK Room is located in rooms G129G130 in the Ginkoberry Concourse of the Oregon Convention Center (OCC). For those who participated in Kumoricon's 2022 Cosplay Contest. This panel will encourage you to think about the books you loved as a child and how they shaped who you are today. 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Please refrain from holding conversations with others in the room, listening to music that can be heard by others, and making phone calls. No robots will be harmed during this tutorial! Game includes over 180 cards, 2 D6 dice, 20 Bite tokens, and the "Rules to live by" instruction booklet. Costumes required. Craft a sea dragon wind spinner and watch as it swirls in the wind for you! Dyeing and painting is a scary and permanent process, but it doesn't have to strike fear into you! You don't know what to do on stage? A list of 2022 Oregon Anime Conventions from the biggest convention database as found on Would you like to compete in Anime Jeopardy? Come and join us for a quick and easy lesson right before the ball and get ready to dance your heart out!
Stop by our autographs area to get your autograph from Cristina Vee! Come welcome back our live charity auction as we bring you cool and exciting items that will get those pocketbooks flowing for our charities! It is a relatively fast paced game that is half turn based and half simultaneous play that accommodates 26 players and takes 45 minutes to an hour to play. If you've ever been curious about what goes into that, this panel is right for you! WebAdded events: Anime viewing events have been added to the schedule Un-canceled event: Let's Dub an Anime Scene was earlier canceled, and is now happening as originally Come join in the fun and enjoy taking your creations home! This is where contestants (and interested parties) can find out if they won and, if requested, get individual feedback on what the judges thought about their submitted story. Prizes include Kumori Cash and gift cards! Come see what Any% speedrun of the 1994 classic Super Metroid looks like. During these periods we will have manga-style artwork, and open tabletop drawing for your creative imaginations to color. Come learn and play riichi mahjong! ), Fri 6:30pm7:30pm Workshop 1 (B117B119). Sat 1:30pm3:00pm Main Events (Hall A1). This time, it's ran by the Mystery Kids, a belovedly unique mish-mash of various fandoms from the Westthink Gravity Falls, Coraline, Over the Garden Wall, and more. Come throw wild accusations at your fellow con goers while we try to uncover the truth! Come test your knowledge of Disney's Twisted Wonderland world or be introduced for the first time to the richness of its characters and story. Bring a pen, because we are going to translate a manga together. You do have a chance to win more board games even if you won a game previously. Fri 1:00pm2:00pm Auditorium (Oregon Ballroom 201). For any new players that haven't had the chance to try yet, this is a workshop to help you make your first Dungeons & Dragons character. So come in and join us for a panel of dice rolls and big laughs. Compete in 3 Shootouts to claim Pots, Steal Coins, and win! Gather round as we tell the tale of Ehverie Bahdy, a feeble knight who goes on a great quest. Fri 11:30am12:30pm Auditorium (Oregon Ballroom 201). This is a multiple-choice, open-book, take-home quiz that begins on the Kumoricon website three weeks before the convention. "I find it both liberating and endless, looking for ways to make a character your own." Then, still receiving! It has lots of replayability with 6 playable characters each with their own unique abilities. Localization is a hidden art; as creative, controversial, and highly subjective as any other job in comics. Sat 8:00pm9:00pm Live Events 2 (A105A106). You asked for it and we're here to deliver! Ready for a spooky time? Prizes include Kumori Cash and gift cards! We'll provide materials and expertise so you can learn how to make your Gundams look a little battle damaged. Use ranged and melee weapons to deal damage to the attacking zombies, but watch out, one of the other players may attempt to turn on you in an instant. Feel like the cost of getting into cosplay is just too high? ), everyone can benefit from a good foundation. Contestants will put on skits, perform artistic acts, and go for audience appeal, all the while performing songs to complement their performance. Fri 8:00am11:30pm AFK Room (G129G130)Sat 8:00am11:30pm AFK Room (G129G130)Sun 8:00am6:00pm AFK Room (G129G130). Fri 10:00am10:30am Workshop 1 (B117B119). Have the plushie? We will have staff available to check out and teach games.
Join us for a very different type of board game. Sat 10:00am12:00am Console Gaming (Hall B). No problem! Fri 11:00am12:00pm Live Events 1 (C123C124). Fri 11:30am12:45pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Sat 5:45pm7:00pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Sun 4:00pm4:45pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Sun 8:00am9:15am Viewing (Willamette 8), Fri 4:30pm5:45pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Sat 3:30pm4:30pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Sat 8:15pm9:30pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Sat 2:15pm3:30pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Sat 11:45am1:00pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Sat 10:30am11:45am Viewing (Willamette 8), Sun 10:30am11:45am Viewing (Willamette 8), Sat 7:00pm8:15pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Fri 5:45pm7:30pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Fri 10:00pm11:15pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Fri 11:15pm12:30am Viewing (Willamette 8), Sun 9:15am10:30am Viewing (Willamette 8), Sat 1:00pm2:15pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Sat 9:15am10:30am Viewing (Willamette 8), Fri 9:00am10:15am Viewing (Willamette 8), Sat 11:00pm12:15am Viewing (Willamette 8), Sun 11:45am1:00pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Sat 4:30pm5:45pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Fri 10:15am11:30am Viewing (Willamette 8), Sun (Sat after midnight) 12:15am1:15am Viewing (Willamette 8), Sun (Sat after midnight) 1:15am2:00am Viewing (Willamette 8), Fri 2:00pm3:15pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Fri 7:30pm8:45pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Sun 1:00pm2:30pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Sun 2:30pm4:00pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Fri 12:45pm2:00pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Fri 3:15pm4:30pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Sat 8:00am9:15am Viewing (Willamette 8), Sat 9:30pm11:00pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Fri 8:45pm10:00pm Viewing (Willamette 8), Sat (Fri after midnight) 12:30am2:00am Viewing (Willamette 8), Thu 12:00pm8:00pm Info Booth (Pre-Function A), Thu 12:00pm8:00pm Registration (Hall A). Sat 1:00pm2:00pm Auditorium (Oregon Ballroom 201). We've all heard the phrase "Cosplay is not consent", but do you know what that means? It consists of the bilingual high-tone vocalist LIO, the mysterious disc jockey (DJ) KILLIT, and the skilled video jockey (VJ) REAK. Learn what format you should ask in regard to build and kits done yourself. Autographs can be purchased at the session. Join experienced couple cosplayers and decorated masquerade competitors Team LuKa for their tips on crafting an award-winning masquerade performance. Welcome to delightful discussion on how oral traditions would view modern fandom as religion. From basics to safety and beyond, this won't be your mom's sewing basket. Ever wondered how ball-gowns get so much poof, or how superheroes keep it all smooth? Stop by our autographs area to get your free autograph from Shigeto Koyama and Hiromi Wakabayashi! Welcome to Kumoricon's International Anime Music Video Competition! FAN EXPO Portland I A three day weekend offering big family-friendly events, bigger workshops, and huge world-renowned celebrities! Join tens of thousands of fans who are just like you and experience the ultimate playground for comics, sci-fi, horror, anime, and gaming. Sun 11:00am12:00pm Workshop 1 (B117B119). Sun 10:00am11:00am Auditorium (Oregon Ballroom 201). Our host has collected a number of lovely art pieces and its up to you to guess, "Is it from a Magic Card, or a Romance Novel". Kumoricon! Remember Nyan Neko Sugar Girls? The player who has acquired the most victory points by slaying goblins, learning spells, and completing quests is crowned the winner! This panel will discuss the broader messages within the manga using Fujimoto's other works and the recent Part Two chapters and anime adaptation. Memberships for ages 5 and under are free. Sun 4:00pm5:00pm Coliseum (Oregon Ballroom 203204). Come sit, relax, and read your favorite manga in Kumoricon's very own manga library! Do you love Ghost Neko? In this panel we'll work on creating our own amigurumi craft together. (There might be accidental spoilers.). We know you all love your AMVs, but have you ever wanted more? GameStorm is an annual gaming convention. Sat 8:00pm10:00pm Workshop 1 (B117B119). But what else do you need to get started? And this time, things are gonna get weird! Inspiration comes from unlikely places! Fri 2:00pm3:00pm Gunpla Lounge (Regency Ballroom D). And it includes every event at the convention. We will discuss what game-changing trends teach about marketing, international relations, national branding, individual identity, notions of home, and more. What do you get when you mix low-tier art supplies, random suggestions from the audience, and unsuspecting artists from the same audience together? Use the free Guidebook app for Android and iOS. WebFind the biggest and best 2022 anime conventions near your location. All reservations are first-come, first-served. Well what are you waiting for? Stop by our autographs area to get your autograph from Adam McArthur! This panel is all about making cosplay photography more accessiblewith tips for cosplayers and photographers looking to get that shot. You are invited to a special screening of Synced Together: AMVs & Their Editors! Audience participation is a must. The Artist Alley portion of the KumoriMarket welcomes amateur and professional artists to showcase their work and original merchandise. Specific fibers and dyes common to Japanese textiles will be introduced followed by a deeper exploration of techniques. Chainsaw Man is an up-and-coming staple of shounen anime notorious for its outrageous content and legendary fight sequences. Last man standing wins! Learn about the effects fandoms have on media in the new digital age where TikTok, YouTube, and Twitch make it easier than ever to consume and make content. Come in all your finery and show off the new dance moves you learned at the ballroom panels! Model selection subject to change, supplies and available seats are limited, one model per person. Anime Jeopardy is an exciting trivia game show experience, featuring challenging questions pulled from anime, manga, video games, and Japanese pop culture. Join us in a debate style panel where everyone is welcome to speak their truth about everyone's favorite game, Genshin Impact. Autographs can be purchased at the session. After 3 rounds, the player with the most stars wins! Merry and Pippin are back again, coming at you live from Fangorn Forest to challenge you to another game of trivia. We will use language and images as a starting point for understanding the artistry behind the craft. In this "game", you will use ingredient cards that have a wide range of foods and even preparation methods, which must be combined into a three-course meal. This game is designed to be GM optional and once you have mastered the regular rules there are ways to increase the difficulty. Fri 4:30pm6:30pm Autographs (Hall C)Sat 2:00pm3:30pm Autographs (Hall C)Sun 11:00am12:00pm Autographs (Hall C)Sun 2:30pm4:00pm Autographs (Hall C). A panel of judges will choose three winners for each prompt! No matter your story, come join Kumoricon's Mobile Gacha Games Support Group for another go-around as we discuss more of our gacha triumphs and disasters and maybe leave with some extra luck or even a gift or two! Wei Schwarz casual tournament with prize support. Bring your notepads and pencils and get ready to learn! You know how to sew something wearablehems, lining, patterns, you've conquered themwhat's next? See cosplay and karaoke collide once again at Kumoricon's Cosplay Hybrid contest. Fri 7:00pm11:00pm LARP (Willamette 7 & 9). Or perhaps you just cause chaos by opening chip bags from the bottom? Come join the fun! Fabric manipulation, applique, embroidery, tailoring, and more advanced sewing skills are waiting to be learned. Sun 1:00pm2:00pm Auditorium (Oregon Ballroom 201). FYImemes will be included. Fri 9:00am7:00pm Volunteer Booth (Hall A)Sat 9:00am7:00pm Volunteer Booth (Hall A)Sun 9:00am2:00pm Volunteer Booth (Hall A). Perfect for anyone new to cosplay photography or wanting to take their portfolio to the next level! Fri 11:30am12:30pm Live Events 2 (A105A106). From being the son of a prolific voice actor father to building his own epic career in the industry, come learn about Bryce Papenbrook. Two players compete to earn the favor of seven illustrious Scholars by collecting each Scholar's preferred performance item. Visit our event reservations page for full details. Write, read, win! The best authors take time to polish and perfect their work before they send it out into the world. Originally presented in 2017. The three members of GEEKBOAT will chat about their work in anime, while Shigeto Koyama live draws. Do you have what it takes to be part of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts? Sun 10:00am4:30pm Console Gaming (Hall B). Have you ever wanted to compete in cosplay skits? Sat 6:30pm7:30pm Live Events 2 (A105A106), Yippee, another in-character panel! Maybe this year, Senpai will notice you! On top of the world and ready to party your pants off! Fri 2:00pm3:00pm Live Events 1 (C123C124). Sat 11:00am11:30am Panel 2 (B113B114). Sun 2:30pm3:30pm Auditorium (Oregon Ballroom 201). The KumoriMarket is proud to feature a curated collection of artists, exhibitors, and independent creators from around the world. Let's do budget cosplay that doesn't look cheap! Fri 12:00pm9:00pm Cosplay Repair (G131G132)Sat 9:00am8:00pm Cosplay Repair (G131G132)Sun 9:00am3:00pm Cosplay Repair (G131G132). Kumoricon defines the Small Press section as independently-developed artist businesses featuring original content. Fri 12:00pm2:00pm Tabletop Gaming (Regency Ballroom B). Sat 12:30pm1:30pm Live Events 2 (A105A106). Join Queen D and step into the world of LARPing and how to navigate it. We have a fairly good-sized selection of items that we will be going over and learning how to fold. Don't know what a vinyl record is at all? This simple modeling technique works on painted or unpainted models, and quickly adds a whole dimension of weathering to your models! Each day the fleet lands on a different island where you'll send a crew member to collect your share of the loot, hoping they'll return to boost your growing group of characters. Good. Both cards are revealed and then characters either take damage, have their card canceled and sent back to their hand, or are defeated. You will then present one course at a time as a story, as wild or unique as you would like to make it, and all other participants will decide if they would eat it or not! Curious about the world of LARPing but never been able to get into it? Maybe your side-hussle involves overthrowing governments? An at-con, no-cost reservation may be required. In the midst of all the excitement, a heinous crime has been committed at Kumoricon! Stop by our autographs area to get your free autographs from Max Mittelman, Robbie Daymond, and Ray Chase! ANIMAINE is a three day anime convention held in South Portland, Maine in Learn to play Doomlings! From Godzilla to Pokmon, Japan is monster country. Prizes include Kumori Cash and gift cards! Fri 6:30pm12:00am Chibi Room (C120C122)Sat 8:00pm12:00am Chibi Room (C120C122). We will discuss and demonstrate posing theory and work with participants one-on-one! Interested in expanding your vinyl collection with anime soundtracks? Each round you deal out a new resource grid, then players take turns placing their drones on the grid to collect the corresponding resources and then use them to level up their Replicants in order to gain victory points, abilities and of course, more Replicants. Improv is a great way to build confidence, create characters and practice listening and reacting to strengthen your skill as an actor. See their website at for more details. Bring your best model(s) and compete for prizes, or come by and check out these masterpieces and vote for people's choice! A brief introduction to the basic differences between manga and comics from a cultural standpoint. (Want to compete? WebKumoricon (Portland, Oregon) | Comic Cons 2022 Dates View by: U. S. States Month U.K. Canada Australia More Countries Other conventions: Anime Star Trek Star Wars Stranger Things Transformers The Walking Dead All Events This event has passed. No worries. Sun 11:30am12:30pm Chibi Room (C120C122). Sun 4:00pm5:00pm Main Events (Hall A1). You work with the player on your left to build one city center while simultaneously working with the player on your right to build a second city center. You loved as a starting point for understanding the artistry behind the craft it quickly becomes clear there is to. In 2021 players compete to earn the favor of seven illustrious Scholars by collecting each Scholar 's performance! And winners accessiblewith tips for cosplayers and decorated masquerade competitors team LuKa for their tips on an..., another in-character panel without the strict dress code and once you have mastered the Rules! % speedrun of the ball without the strict dress code 1 ( B117B119 ), create characters and listening! Top get in Touch our knowledgeable staff is ready to learn you asked for it and we 're to. Party hard enough Igor gets a migrainefor real will discuss the broader messages within the Library! 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