If it took five minutes for Angel to reach the crime, Lana would have had a chance to run. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Usually, they call a detective, but according to Edgeworth, Angel was until two years ago a "first rate" homicide detective. Angel thought that Lana stabbed Goodman more than once, because she mistook something that looked like blood at her breast. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Gumshoe then realizes that Goodman is in fact the victim in the case! The game will explain how it works as this is your first time doing it this game, but to be clear, you'll be presented with a series of statements. The structure of this game is very similar to the previous two entries - there's no real nasty surprises here. After a fuss, the Judge calls a recess. - Examine Area 1 (Evidence 2 added to Court Record). You automatically examine the Photo. Examine the box on the floor in the bottom-right -, Examine the clothes on the rigth of the screen. Hello! Thankfully, it's not too hard to figure this out. The sheriff then gives you the address for the "Prospector's Office 1202" (he means High Prosecutor's Office). The trial is over for the day. It's not going to be pretty. Choose "Objection!". Talk to Angel: If you're playing the HD iOS port, examine the stepladder for one of the five stepladder arguments. Marshall tells you that Gumshoe being kicked out of the Department was ordered by the Chief of Police, because Gumshoe loved working with Edgeworth. Witness Testimony - Witness's Account, cont. Choose the "Distance to the crime". Present the, With this handled, talk to Andrews about the topics. Move to the Detention Center. Angel says she witnessed the very moment of the crime things are looking grim for you already. The judge will ask you to find the strange part of the photo. You have a choice to stop the verdict or not. Present Goodman's Autopsy Report against Angel's fourth statement. - Present Vasquez's Memo to Sal.- Move to Inside Studio One (Employee Area > Studio - Main Gate > Outside Studio One > Inside Studio One). After arguing with her, Edgeworth will interrupt, saying it's bad for his heart. Does "muffler" sound familiar? Be. Move into the Caretaker's Shack. And get ready for the rollercoaster to continue when you return to trial which, of course, continues with testimony. You can now talk to Iris about three new topics. - Press Wendy on the statement "There were some other people at the studios on the day of the murder. "- Choose "Make her show the enlargement." Karma sees that as critical evidence, and demands that the Pistol be added to the Court Record. Help us fix it by posting in its. When prompted, point out and present the Case on the table on the left of the image. Hello! You'll explain about Larry's mishap, and that the Air Tank landed in the lake, and at the same time, a couple was taking the photo catching the tank falling into the lake, and it looked like the creature. However, it is not known who she called. It's flawless, decisive evidence! "- Choose "Larry's right".- Present Second Lake Photo.- Present Pistol.- Choose "Edgeworth and the murderer".- Choose "I don't know".- Choose the Boat Shop on the map.- Choose "The boat shop caretaker".- Choose "To create a witness". Day 1 - InvestigationDay 2 - TrialDay 2 - InvestigationDay 3 - TrialDay 3 - InvestigationFinal Day - Trial, Talk to Edgeworth.- What happened- Gourd Lake- Did you do it (appears after "Gourd Lake"), Talk to Gumshoe.- What happened- Edgeworth- Defense request- The witness (appears after "What happened"). Talk to Vasquez.- The day of the crime- The Steel Samurai- The director (Vasquez's Memo added to Court Record). Karma hears enough; as Lotta told the court, she had a picture of the moment of the murder and there were no other boats in that lake. You need to talk to Gumshoe about this. You'll see Angel, who apparently has another boyfriend in Criminal Affairs, leaving the place, and then you'll see Marshall. Psyche-Lock: Mask DeMasque's M.O. Examine that one, and then a phone will start sounding the Steel Samurai ringtone. At the Detention Center, you'll meet Maya. "- Choose "Actually, it does".- Present DL-6 Case File, then choose "Case Summary".- Choose "Leave it to Edgeworth". As you know from the crime scene, the door to A Block was locked, so Angel had to take the long way around to B Block. Here, you'll face Lotta again, who wants to make it up to you for today's trial. Gumshoe gives you a Letter of Introduction for you to get permission to access to the crime scene. Regardless, the Lake Photo will be updated in the Court Record. Examine it and the wallet will open and you should see an ID card in it. Only two people were on the boat! As Angel and Lana were struggling, Lana knocked over an oil drum. Goodman's Note will be added into the Court Record. It's almost Christmas!' The first investigation phase kicks off, of course, in your office. Talk to Larry.- Edgeworth- The big samurai, - Move to the Criminal Affairs Dept (Gourd Lake Entrance > Criminal Affairs Dept. A robbery, a flamboyantcostumed phantom thief, familiar faces, Phoenix's first brush with rival prosecutor Godot - the second case in Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations is a big one. She shows the enlargement, however you still can't tell who's shooting who. You'll discover a note saying "6-7S 12/2" on stationery with Goodman's name on it. Press the newly added 6th statement: "But I lost my bottle of it". The answer they're looking for is "A Blackmailer.". Edgeworth reluctantly tells you it's the "King of Prosecutors" trophy, a broken shield with a large "K" on it, which will be added to your Court Record. You won't see Larry here. Open a file in your Court Record, then choose "Check", and you should see a 3D rendering of the object, with three panels on the left, bottom, and right of the screen. Thus, you finally give the judge a reason to continue the case. "- Choose "Testify again, Vasquez! You automatically pan left. Examine thepapers scattered on the floor to get the. The valve is broken, and it seems to be wrapped in flags. In the Main Hall, it's time to break Bikini's Psyche-Locks. You're completed yet another Ace Attorney adventure, and the final in the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy - and now the adventure continues with Apollo Justice! (Pistol added to Court Record)- Choose "No, I need you here.". He calls a half hour recess ("it's lunchtime, after all. She would use them for Gourdy. Edgeworth wants you to show the contradiction. Here, you come across a trophy by the couch. "- Choose "Press harder".- Present Powers's(?) Phoenix then tells Ema that it wasn't his phone that rang earlier, but hers. Pretty quickly, things take an interesting turn. - Examine the bag under the table (Cardkey added to Court Record).- Move to Outside Studio One (Employee Area > Studio - Main Gate > Outside Studio One). Didn't she say she was looking for shooting stars yesterday? Talk to Wendy.- Photographic proof- Reason for suspicion- Mr. Hammer- Automatic camera (appears after "Photographic proof"). Why would she be wearing them if she didn't know she'd be handling a bloody corpse? Press the 1st statement to get an optional achievement in newer versions of the game. Talk to Gumshoe: Move back to the Detention Center to pick Maya up, then move to the Gourd Lake Entrance. - Present Letter from the Safe to Edgeworth. The adventures of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations continues with the fourth case, Turnabout Beginnings. I heard this "bang" come up from the lake. Bikini's Testimony ~ The Night of the Murder: Witness Cross-Examination, Bikini's Testimony ~ After My Bath: Witness Cross-Examination, Bikini's Testimony ~ Further Details: Witness Cross-Examination, Bikini's Testimony ~ Location of the Weapon: Witness Cross-Examination. Here you are again, back in court. Present this to the court. You examine the "ballistic fingerprints" to identify which gun was shot. This shoe proves it! Ema loves her sister, although Lana has been acting kind of dark recently. After the discussion, pan to the right, and examine an object lying just left of Edgeworth's car. The final case. Talk to Vasquez.- The blocked path (Mr. Monkey Head added to Court Record). Lotta says she did, however, Karma sees this as another outburst and the judge orders the officers to take Phoenix away. - Choose "Borrow Fishing Pole" (Fishing Pole added to Court Record)- Move to Gourd Lake Woods Gourd Lake Entrance > Gourd Lake Public Beach > Gourd Lake Woods).- Move to the Criminal Affairs Dept. Talk to Edgeworth.- The DL-6 Incident- The suspect (appears after "The DL-6 Incident")- Your father (appears after "The DL-6 Incident"). With her locks broken, talk to Viola about the two previously locked-off topics. "- Choose "The murderer didn't need it. Press the 9th statement: "Mr. DeLite was wearing his". - Move to the Criminal Affairs Dept. Day 1 - Wasn't the lake too foggy for the Camera to take a photo of the meteor shower? This picture shows that the shoe was indeed the victim's, and that the evidence of the footprints had been washed away, thus erasing all doubt from the court. Witness Testimony - The Day of the Murder, - Van added to Court Record.- Present Steak Plate to the statement "Sal and I ate t-bone steaks on the table in front of the trailer. We have what we need to break Andrews now. Lotta wants proof that Gourdy is what she was really there for. The parking lot at the Prosecutor's Office is divided into two blocks. Here, Maya will find the record of DL-6. Rotate it so you can see the bottom. and thus, the adventure ends. This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Episode 2, Phoenix Wright: Justice for All Episode 1, Phoenix Wright: Justice for All Episode 2, Phoenix Wright: Justice for All Episode 3, Phoenix Wright: Justice for All Episode 4, Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations Episode 1, Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations Episode 2, Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations Episode 3, Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations Episode 4, Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations Episode 5, 2023 TrueGaming Network Ltd, All Rights Reserved. The judge has Angel testify as to what she thought looked like blood. There wasn't nary a thing on the lake but that boat. Atmey's Testimony ~ The Alibi: Witness Cross-Examination, Atmey's Testimony ~ The Sacred Urn Heist: Witness Cross-Examination, Atmey's Testimony ~ Motive for Murder: Witness Cross-Examination, Atmey's Testimony ~ The Last Testimony: Witness Cross-Examination. The sheriff warns you not to mess with their "gold strike", then leaves. Angel heard Lana say the word "muffler" on her phone. You seriously don't want to end the case now so make sure to "Object to the enlargement" to allow this game to continue. It looks like the judge has his verdict. "- Choose "No, it's impossible" (Cody's Camera added to Court Record), Witness Testimony - Witness's Account - Cross-Examination, - Present Cody's Camera to the statement "If I had my camera with me, that woulda been the time for a shot, I tell you. Angel hears this and presents another photo of the crime: the body itself is in the trunk of the car. - Examine the parrot (Parrot added to Court Record). ROFL! Karma decides to let you do so, as he thinks you'll fail to find a contradictory statement in the testimony. In fact, she used to be a happy, smiling person that everyone got along with. You ask Edgeworth about the fingerprints. Discuss this walkthrough in its Walkthrough Thread. Really take note of this to learn about evidence in a courtroom. And with that, this section of the trial is over. Just like that, you're out of time. You get a status report. Upon completing the episode, you will unlock: community members have thanked the author. The judge concludes that Edgeworth isn't the shooter, but neither is the victim. 6. "- Choose "Say it now".- Choose "Show evidence".- Present Metal Detector.- Present DL-6 Bullet.- Present DL-6 Bullet. Present the. And the other blood type matched that of the defendant, Ms. Lana Skye! Oops! Once you tell him about the case, Edgeworth tells you the car the body was hidden in was actually his! Then, through a wire fence, I saw the chief prosecutor standing next to a garish car.
So, Phoenix concludes that Gourdy was actually the Steel Samurai. Talk to Lotta: Choose Deal but she'll need information about Gourdy. "- Press Caretaker on the statement "That man was the defendantHe was saying "I can't believe he's dead. Present the Air Tank to Lotta. The judge tries to adjourn court, but Angel persists, as she has decisive evidence. You learn from Miles Edgeworth the name of the prosecutor: Manfred von Karma. Dog Note: If you bring along the dog to the beach, he'll go mad and eat all the Samurai Dogs just for the laugh! Talk to Penny.- The fanboy- Mr. Hammer- What happened? "- Present Five-Year-Old-Photo.- Choose "She had no motive. Remember, if you're after that Armstrong-themed achievement, you need to press all of his statements. The judge agrees. "The murder weapon we found on the boat was decisive evidence.". After this, the testimony is functionally over, but there's a few more steps to take That's the end of your first case - and your tutorial! Rotate the wallet so the golden seal is facing up and the end it's on is toward you. *squawk*", then choose "What's your name? Photo added to Court Record). Originally available on GBA, they've now been ported to wide variety of modern platforms, in particular as part of thePhoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogypackage. "- Choose "Meeting the Steel Samurai. There's now multiple trials going on at once, though you're only having to worry about one. Drama! This also updates the. Karma demands that you begin cross-examining. Looks like you're finally making progress, as Lotta will make a new testimony, much to Karma's annoyance. As you face Lotta again, Maya sneezes, wasting another roll on Lotta's Camera. Ema then recalls what you know so far. Did he or she hold a grudge against him? Even showing the rod to Lotta and Larry provide a few laughs. How could she do that with so little time? Day 1 - Investigation Day 2 - Trial Day 2 - Investigation Day 3 - Trial Day 3 - Investigation Final Day - Trial. You can now talk to Pearl about three topics for key information - and it also updates the. - Cross-Examination, - Present Power's(?) Today, we meet someone that we probably shouldve known this entire time! Here's the step-by-step walkthrough: Psyche-Lock: The Night of the Crime (Larry Butz), Psyche-Lock: The Sacred Urn (Adrian Andrews).
That man right there, and he was heading towards the studio! Somehow, I always knew a day like this would come. This page was last edited on 3 January 2023, at 16:02. (Gourd Lake Public Beach > Gourd Lake Entrance > Criminal Affairs Dept). The adventures of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations continues with the fourth case, Turnabout Beginnings. It seems this man knows something about the DL-6 Incident. Talk to Grossberg.- What happened- That painting, Talk to Grossberg.- Robert Hammond- The DL-6 Incident (appears after "Robert Hammond" (Misty Fey's Photo added to Court Record). Seeing that Lotta's testimony stinks, and seeing that Phoenix has no chance of doing more cross-examining, Maya Fey harshly demands that Lotta tell the court if she clearly saw that it was Edgeworth who shot the man. When given the chance, present Lana's Cell Phone. Now I didn't suspect him of anything at all. Well, you are "Keith" and Maya is "Meg". Otherwise, use the links below to skip to whatever Trials & Tribulations case you're currently on: Every entry in the trilogy has a first tutorial case - but this one takes things back to the very beginning - to when Phoenix Wright himself was a suspect in a terrible crime As with the walkthroughs to the previous two Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney adventures, the aim is to remain as spoiler-free as possible throughout this guide. To gumshoe: Move back to the right, and then you 'll fail to find a contradictory in! Bottom-Right -, examine the stepladder for one of the image the parrot ( added. Testify as to what she was looking for is `` Meg '' again, will... Learn about evidence in a courtroom make it up to you for today 's.. Bottom-Right -, examine the stepladder for one of the murder weapon we on! Mr. Monkey Head added to Court Record who 's shooting who the discussion, pan to the Criminal Affairs ). 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