link to 6 Reasons Rabbits Will Flip Over Their Food and Water Bowls, Learn more about what kind of chasing behaviors are normal during bonding, Learn more about stress bonding and how to use this technique, 10 Tips for when bonding rabbits is NOT working. Exercise pens work wonderful for bonding are financially more reasonable than adequate housing and have many uses even after the bonding is completed. WebBunnyLove Bonding. If you have adopted from Fat Fluffs or we have started the bonding of your bunnies for you then the above will be covered but you will still have the responsibility of bringing them home and making sure they are happy and settled. This typically takes three to four weeks. My rabbits love meadow hay so much, if you have a bag, they will bite a hole in it to get to the hay. They act as nose guards while also giving your rabbits a chance to interact with each other. When the rabbits return home, they will be in a settled bond that will allow them to comfortably and safely live together in the same environment. I have a diploma in Rabbit care, welfare and behaviour, I also have a certificate in Rabbit training. A rabbit who hasnt been fixed is more territorial and tends to be more aggressive than those that have been altered, so its very important for the safety of your rabbits and increases the likelihood of success in the bonding. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Its better to spend more time than necessary on a stage of bonding, than to rush the rabbits and have to start over from the beginning. You may also be able to set up a foster to adopt agreement, where you foster rabbits and adopt one if they seem like a good match for your bunny. Once bonded the rabbits should be housed together in a space large enough to accommodate them both comfortably. Below is a process we used to bond our bunnies Poppy & Tino. Sometimes no matter what we do, the two rabbits just wont get along. Its best done with the two rabbits in a small space so that they will instinctually huddle next to each other. If you are using the bathtub, try the kitchen. WebNEWLY BONDED. It includes some top tips & we hope it helps others. Keep your rabbits side by side, but wait to bond them until you move to a different home. Ideally you should avoid wetting the rabbits coat, as damp fur will clog the clippers that vets use to shave the infected areas, however, dipping your rabbits rear into water can help to get rid of some maggots providing the area is dried afterwards. However long it takes, its important that you stay patient and avoid rushing the process. You are experiencing a lot of stress or anxiety around the bonding. Syringe feeding to ensure the rabbit continues to get essential nutrients. We specialise in Rabbit Psychology, Behaviour and Training and are extremely passionate about animal behaviour. Administer enzymatic digestive aids in order to lossen and soften an impacted mass. It includes some top tips & we hope it helps others. However, as the time together gets longer, no toys or treats could lead to an irritated rabbit, and they may end up directing their pent up frustration at the other rabbit. Bunny bonding and medication administration are available as add-ons in a case-by-case basis. I am here to make sure all of you rabbit lovers have everything you need to care for your fluffy little bundle of joy. WebBunny bonding and medication administration are available as add-ons in a case-by-case basis. This will provide the best opportunity for a neutral introduction and support for their initial encounter. Your bunny will be housed in a double x-pen (4 by 6), fed high quality pellets, fresh greens, and unlimited hay.
However we find the circumstances of these dates often hide the "real" reaction which may happen when the "perfect pair" return home, and that in 9 out of 10 bonding experiences the bonding "fight", which often appears to be more violent than it is in reality, will still happen. If you have adopted from Fat Fluffs or we have started the bonding of your bunnies for you then the above will be covered but you will still have the responsibility of bringing them home and making sure they are happy and settled. WebThe bonding process takes approx. This is a time of day when rabbits are naturally less active. The only time I would say to give up and stop trying to bond them is if the rabbits have actually hurt each other in a fight. Typically there are negotiations that need to be worked through in regards to who gets what role in the relationship. Plants and foods that are toxic to rabbits, No rabbit food on the market is a complete diet. Some of these behaviors might seem concerning or aggressive, but are actually fine, while others need to be prevented because they are likely to lead to injury. If you want help trying to bond two rabbitsNOTadopted from SaveABunny or you need help fixing a bond between bunniesNOTadopted from SaveABunny, we offer expert consulting and re-bonding when time and space permits. It will be a stressful and potentially confusing process, both for you and the rabbits, as you figure out how to help your rabbits to coexist peacefully. You may also hear them loudly crunching their teeth, which is a sign of pain. Recovery from this disease is rare and euthanasia is often necessary to prevent suffering. If you have a small apartment or your rabbit has full access to your house, leaving you with no neutral areas, there are still some options: While we always hope that the bonding process will go smoothly and the two rabbits get along, there are often times when you have to referee and break up fights. The boarding facility is at Angies home. If you are using the bathtub, try the kitchen. The first few pellets may be small, hard misshapen, perhaps covered in mucus. You should also ensure that your rabbit does not eat selectively. Fees will increase to $25/day starting June 1, 2023. A neutral space is a place that neither rabbit will consider to be their own territory. Once again, I found them not too fond of stems.
Since grooming is such an important part of a bonded rabbits relationship, you can try to find ways to encourage or trick your rabbits into grooming each other. That doesnt mean your relationship will be exactly the same, however. It can take several weeks to months for a bond to solidify between the rabbits. On average, bonding two rabbits will take anywhere from two weeks to two months. Do not buy many bags of pellets in one go as the amount of vitamins in the pellets reduce over time. You must be able to provide separate housing accommodations until the bond between the two rabbits has been established. WebWe have been helping bond all varieties of rabbits for many years and have a 100% success rate. Wait 2-4 weeks after the surgery before attempting introductions. Then move directly into a larger space to bond them gently until they are used to each other and seem unlikely to attack each other. You want to be on the lookout for actively aggressive rabbit body language. Ive used two brands and both were received well by the buns (Pure Pastures Meadow Hay and Devon Meadow Hay). If at all possible, you want to try introducing your rabbit to a number of other rabbits so that your bunny can help to choose their own partner. ReadDillon and Tsuki's storypatience resulted in a loving, bonded pair, even after some tense moments. If possible, ring ahead, so that the vet can be prepared for your arrival and treat your rabbit immediately as your rabbit will probably be in pain and shock and will require careful nursing if it is to survive. It is good for younger rabbits and lactating does, but due to its high calorie/protein/calcium content, it is unsuitable for rabbits that are over a year old. WebNEWLY BONDED. WebBonding rabbits can be an incredibly difficult and stressful process (but not always). There are several brands from pet stores, at the moment I use Alfalfa King Timothy Hay as I found the colour and the smell wonderful. WebBunny bonding basics Before introducing two rabbits, both should be spayed or neutered. It is usually rapidly fatal and is spread by direct contact between rabbits (both wild and domesticated) and indirect contact, such as via insect transport or people, clothing, shoes and other objects. This allows your rabbit to choose his/her most favoured friend. 2 weeks, during which your rabbits would board here. Our Service We have bonded over 1400 rabbits over the last 9 years We can help you find the perfect partner for your rabbit. or indeed deadly silent ? This will give them time to heal and it will give their hormones time to calm down. Your job in bonding is to make sure the rabbits dont hurt each other during the process. However, you can find a friend for your rabbit if you take the time to plan and prepare for bonding. The best cure for GI Stasis is prevention. With this technique you are basically putting the rabbits together and telling them that one way or another they have to get along because theyre not going to get a break. Please do this today. Rabbits are social animals that benefit from living in pairs or groups. If you are looking to adopt a friend for your bunny companion, SaveABunny is here to help! To prevent the rabbits injuring each other, or injuring you when they go for each other, youll want to wear appropriate clothing and have some equipment available. WebWe can also help you bond your own bunnies, or even find one of our bunnies to bond with your singleton! * We gave each bunny a Easier even when you only have a limited amount of time for bonding. If you are boarding for a month and need a discounted rate, pleasecontact us. Try a different bonding area. WebThe bonding process takes approx. It usually takes between two weeks and two months to bond a pair of rabbits. Its also a good idea to spread some treats around for the rabbits to sniff out. Once bonded the rabbits should be housed together in a space large enough to accommodate them both comfortably. It is possible to not feed pellets but that requires the owner to be very knowledgeable in rabbit nutrition as you will need to substitute pellets for other foods that would offer a healthy amount of nutrients. After your rabbits have been bonded and living together, you might expect them to be lovey dovey all the time and live happily ever after. It is best if a bunny date can be set up with the facility you are looking to adopt from. You should be receiving an order confirmation from Paypal shortly. This technique is ideal because it wont be as stressful for the rabbits. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The bonding process that you choose will depend on the personalities of the rabbits involved and the amount of time you have. **Get each bunny used to the others smell before they meet**. My rabbits were not so keen on the coarse stems but did nibble some of the seed heads. And, were good at it. That fear is not completely unfounded. When bonding goes wrong it is usually down to one of two factors: Some rescues offer bunny speed dating. If bonding looks possible, we recommend boarding your bunnies at SaveABunny, which is neutral space, for a minimum of 3 days at $60 per day. They are emotionally and physically healthier because their friend offers companionship and can groom places that are difficult or impossible to reach. Just remember that whatever method you choose, you want to avoid the possibility of territorial aggression by making it as neutral as possible. Young rabbits can also be given pellets freely. 6 Reasons Rabbits Will Flip Over Their Food and Water Bowls. Some people recommend giving your rabbits as much space as possible to start, while others swear by starting your rabbits in a small box or laundry basket. Like humans, rabbits can have many individual relationships. You know your rabbit's behaviour pattern and nature better than anyone and any difference is very obvious. As an Amazon Associate and an associate to other companies I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. Learn more about how you can get quality hay (even ORGANIC hay!) As an associate to Amazon, Small Pet Select, and, I may receive a small commission from qualifying purchases. A question that is asked often but not always answered correctly.
Dont get another rabbit just because you think you should. One of the best steps you can take to help your rabbits early on in the bonding process is to start petting them when they are next to each other. Anti-inflammatory and pain killing drugs are sometimes also administered. Check out the store for T-shirts, face masks, mugs, sweat shirts and more! Bonding can take a considerable amount of your time and effort in order to be successful. 3. There are no other places you can use as neutral areas. So you want to get a pet rabbit, but youre a little bit afraid of those long front teeth. Some are made from alfalfa and these pellets contain a lot more protein. * We gave each bunny a If the kitchen isnt working, try a pen in the living room. You must always provide hay and water. Your bunny will have his, her, or their own clean and tidy space to lounge around while you are off having fun somewhere else (well, as much fun as you can have without your bunnies!). "Bunny Date" instructional video (Bonding 101). 2. Both diseases are widespread and endemic in wild rabbits in the UK. ##Firstly. Remove them from their carrier, if they are in one, and allow them to explore the area and one another, paying close attention for any signs of aggression. Introductions should be short and frequent in the beginning and increased in duration as the rabbits become more tolerant of each other. That being said, rabbits are social animals and it is much easier for them to meet their social needs with another rabbit as a partner. They tend to be more territorial so you may want to give them more time together to solidify their bond before the move-in. If that doesnt work see if you can spend a few days at a friend or family members house. You can buy bales of this from local farms and big bags are available on the internet and at pet stores. ##Firstly. WebA Bonding service you can trust. Most of the time you can let them continue as long as both rabbits still seem comfortable around each other.
Once bonded the rabbits should be housed together in a space large enough to accommodate them both comfortably. Please be respectful of these hours. Care and thought must be given when considering a friend for your rabbit. This might be necessary if youre waiting for one of them to be spayed or neutered, or if you want to wait to start the formal bonding until you have more time and attention to devote to it. Even more confusing, every bonding is different so there is no set of rules you can follow that will 100% lead you to success. You can also buy large bales of timothy hay from farmers but you will need a place to store it. Bonding rabbits can be quite difficult and often its not something rabbit owners feel confident doing. Being left in the hutch or cage all day long is not good. Trying to bond two males will result in violent fights that could cause serious injury to the rabbits and you! They will eat all day to get the amount of nutrients they need. Or you can pull fresh grass from your lawn to give to your rabbit. Here are some of the benefits of boarding at Special Bunny: We provide all the supplies for your bunny, but its important that you bring a few things with you when you bring your bunny to board: Interested in boarding your bunnies with us? Taking the rabbits for a car ride, running the vacuum near them, or placing them atop a washing machine are some common scenarios that people use. Keep everything set up the way it was so that they now have to use the others litter box and water bowl, and play with toys that have the others scent. Beloved Rabbits is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, If the rabbit ignores you, then carefully separate the rabbits. After you have some trust that they wont immediately attack each other, you can allow them to approach each other nose-to-nose on the floor, then start giving them both head scritches and massages together. you can try oat hay as it has a completely different texture and taste. Ive tried two types of oat hay with my rabbits. These are the signs that your rabbits are really starting to get along and feel comfortable with each other. A number of plants can be used to repel insects and flies. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. We study and analyse your rabbits behaviour to use the best method for them and assess things case by case. A rabbit's intestinal tract can become static for several different reasons such as stress, dehydration, pain form an underlining disorder or illness, dental problem, wind, infection, intestinal blockage or insufficient fibre in the diet. Ive tried Alfalfa Kings Oat, Wheat & Barley Hay. Pellets may feel harder but the way of chewing a pellet and the way of chewing a piece of hay is different so they both wear down different parts of the teeth. Take them for a walk in a pet stroller. Oxbow also produces bags of oat hay but I have not yet tried that. Ensure that your rabbit is not being overfed, as this can result in diarrhoea, leading to a dirty groin, Feed greens and fruit in moderation, as some rabbits cannot tolerate an over-abundance of green food, again leading to diarrhoea and a dirty anus . This is especially important once you are putting your rabbits together for long periods at a time. I use meadow hay as the main hay as they eat more of this. 20 mins drive to Gatwick terminals , 30 mins train from London Victoria. At the bottom of this page we have given a checklist on how to try and avoid this condition. They do not enjoy the trip and most likely will turn to one another for comfort. When they come back the other rabbit might think they are a stranger and attack. Bunnies need specialized care as "exotic" pets. This means that if you immediately place a second rabbit into your original rabbits home, they will likely end up fighting. Right after you sign up, youll receive a FREE pdf rabbit care guidebook. In general, its harder to bring any rabbit (whether male or female) into a home where the original rabbit is female. Before your rabbits move into any space or enclosure that has been used by either bunny in the past, you want to do some serious cleaning. In other cases, the rabbits will take many months or even years to be bonded. A veterinarians certificate showing the vaccination date must be shown before your rabbit can enter SaveABunny premises. Set up the two pens or enclosures right next to each other so that the two rabbits can see each other and sniff each other if they want to. Initial consultation is $125 on-site for 1 hour, then $65 per hour after, up to 5 hours, if needed. Bonding happens best in neutral territory a space that neither rabbit has claimed as its own. Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus-2 has been spreading worldwide and has now reached California. They would spend every day in a large play area inside our house, and I would be in it with them all day. While we do not charge for the bonding services when you adopt a companion rabbit from us, we do require payment for the boarding of your rabbit during the process. Wait 2-4 weeks after the surgery before attempting introductions. We have a number of bonding support services designed to help you make a success of bonding your rabbits. There was a misconception (and there still is for those who are unaware) that rabbit food is a complete diet for bunnies. Ive designed adorable bunny apparel! WebTurn the vacuum cleaner on near the bunnies. WebWe have been helping bond all varieties of rabbits for many years and have a 100% success rate. You can bring your bunny or bunnies to our shelter in Carnation and board your bunnies under the watchful eye of and loving care of Angie, our founder.
You can connect the individual cube pieces to form a flat barrier in between your rabbits using small zip ties. Following these instructions is crucial to the success of the bond. * We gave each bunny a
WebOur Bonding Services We are always happy to bond your spayed or neutered single bun to one of our adoptable bunnies. Alfalfa King also does bags of alfalfa hay. It has a variety of grasses, flowers and herbs which encourages rabbits to dig through and look for their favourite bits. Rabbits are social animals that benefit from living in pairs or groups. The second type is orchard grass which is nutritionally similar to timothy hay. You cannot immediately house two new rabbits in the same enclosure, but you still want the two rabbits to get used to the sight and scent of each other. The process should always take place in a neutral territory and all rabbits involved should already be spayed or neutered. Sometimes, despite our best intentions, a rabbit bonding does not go as planned. However, they are not necessarily going to agree on who gets to be dominant right away. If you are unsure of what pellet food to use, I have a useful guide which tells you what to look for, the ingredients and the nutritional content of some popular brands of bunny food. **Get each bunny used to the others smell before they meet**. If no feces/droppings are being produced by your rabbit, you should consider GI Stasis and immediately take your rabbit to the vets. An intestinal slowdown can cause ingested food matter or hair to lodge in the intestinal tract causing the blockage. Match-making and Bunny bonding services We love to help bunnies fall in love. Effective December 15, 2020, all rabbits boarding at SaveABunny must be vaccinated forRHDV2at least 10 days prior to arrival. this is why i make sure i actually see that all rabbits are eating and they have a constant supply of hay. You do not need to have adopted your rabbits from us, as these services are available to all rabbit owners. Take them for a walk in a pet stroller. She helps to socialize the rabbits and educate volunteers on the care and behavior of these small mammals. If you hate the smell of vinegar (like I do), try adding 10-20 drops of your favorite essential oil to cover it up. Rabbits identify a lot of objects and places by scent rather than sight, so you want to spend time erasing the scent of the rabbits as much as possible. At night, they would share a 6ft double hutch, having access to only half of the hutch each to prevent fighting. The texture of the hay is hard and provides a good texture for the wearing down of teeth. If you do have a reservation for an unneutered/unspayed bunny, please. A rabbits diet must be very high in fibre. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. You can use a tabletop, being careful to block off the edges to prevent your rabbits from falling. Bonding is generally easier when rabbits have been sterilized. Although separate vaccines were needed in the past, dual protection against both diseases is now available from a single convenient annual vaccine. Youll also want to have two of everything because sometimes rabbits dont like sharing litter boxes and food bowls to begin with. WebBunny bonding basics Before introducing two rabbits, both should be spayed or neutered. The first stages can be stressful for the rabbits. WebWe can help you bond your rabbit, so that they lead happier lives and are more content and less prone to depression or loneliness. Our spaces fill quickly and may all be reserved by the end of October. Place a small amount of this yummy treat on the forehead of one or both of the rabbits. A rabbit diet should consist mainly of fibrous foods and that applies for this too. Use a new exercise pen that neither have used before and have new litter boxes, food bowls, hiding houses and toys available. ##Firstly. Below is a process we used to bond our bunnies Poppy & Tino. Does your rabbit like to flip over their food bowls? Any stay that takes place over a government recognized holiday, or from Thanksgiving through New Years will require a 50% non-refundable deposit made 30 days in advance of the boarding date. Bunny bonding and medication administration are available as add-ons in a case-by-case basis. Your bunny will be housed in an 2 by 6 x-pen or double condo, depending on availability, fed high quality pellets, fresh greens, and unlimited hay. WebBunny bonding and medication administration are available as add-ons in a case-by-case basis. They lay their eggs on or around the rabbit's rear end where they hatch within hours into maggots that eat into the rabbit's flesh, eating it alive and releasing toxins in the process. Then only after a 5-10 minute massage should you bring your rabbits back to their separate homes and end the session. WebOur Bonding Support Service Options We have a number of bonding support services designed to help you make a success of bonding your rabbits. Your bunny will speed date until we find a good match (the bunnies must choose). You can adjust the technique youre using based on how your rabbits behave. I know too much grass and my rabbits produce too much cecal faeces (soft droppings) and that they do not eat those which can be a hygiene hazard. Our dedicated bonding facilities at The Hoppy Hub in Kirkintilloch are designed to focus the rabbits' attention on each other without distraction from their own territory and belongings. to set up this second space. A mass that is misidentified as a hairball in a rabbit usually composes of food held together by hair and mucus. Rabbits that have been in a fight are much more difficult to bond because now they have negative memories of each other. It becomes more difficult and even dangerous to try to bond rabbits once they have bad blood between them. They used to have a bit but I was weary of the calcium content as Nibbles also had slightly thicker urine. It can also be useful in cases where one rabbit is seriously scared of the other even if there is no serious aggression. The gentle bonding technique works on the idea that if the rabbits are happy and enjoying themselves they will be more likely to bond with each other for the long term. However, the idea of bonding your pet rabbits sounds daunting and overwhelming. If you find maggots on or around your rabbits anus immediate veterinary attention is required and the situation should be treated as an emergency. It even looks similar to timothy hay in appearance. If you are new to caring for rabbits, check out the Bunny Lady bimonthly newsletter. Fly traps catch many flies but not all. Above all be patient with your rabbits. If the rabbit shows signs of a bacterial infection then antibiotics might be used to combat the overgrowth of harmful bacteria. It is very important to try to end every session on a high note. This reserves your spot. It is easiest to store as it is less damp therefore less likely to mould. When it comes time to put your rabbits together and start the bonding process its very important that you set up a neutral area. They may also be unusally very small. GI Stasis is the condition of food matter not moving through the gut as normal or not moving as quickly as normal. If neither of these options are available, you'll be looking at doing the bonding at your home. One rabbit will be happy because they are getting a yummy treat, and the other will be happy because they feel like they are being groomed. My sister in laws guinea pigs much preferred this hay though. All rabbit owners feel confident doing exercise pens work wonderful for bonding are financially reasonable. 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