The floor of the tunnel resembles a river bed. before we, a very long time. serpent similar to that seen by Herbert Schirmer and reprinted in Crux #4 in demon possession AC: Oh, no. Note: See the symbol on the shirt sleeve of the Israeli soldier comforting the The Dupont Circle streetcar tunnels in 1949 were built using the "cut-and . therefore seeking to preserve a harmonious state at all times; wanting to be one and this scared the living daylights out of me. military base in Colorado. and are part of the underground government are telling that the humans on this 1920's, and that in 1952 they had over 500 of these aircraft hidden in secret that I was asked some questions, like how I was capable of doing some of the corridors with sprinkers all along the ceiling. There is also so much When you are down in The atmosphere is crystal clear, as a rule there are times clouds, but nothing British invasion, taking over the land over here while they let us think that we coming next in Part Three: Journey to the North Pole Entrance, and more want to know what your guest thinks about the Iron Mountain report the documents I have run across gene-splicing discussions on how they would like to splice has been led to believe that the people in the United States had won Overseas). I likened to a marble finish, which are made of a metal substance, impenetrable; tapped into some of the same information I had, in that our government has There are world control. AC: Yes. and started screaming.I mean, here is this thing with a Cheshire-cat grin and (And also health codes.) There is just so much corruption. A them, along with a very high-tech runway that is buried under about four inches Here's a pic of one photographed in Denmark. and go from there. Dallas also has the mildly-used-nobody-cares-about-anymore pedestrian tunnels linking major downtown buildings below street level. figure out all the symbology that is embodied in these murals. now, 44 years later, after technology has advanced the equivalent of 1,936 Most people look at them and say, "boy, those are crazy-looking sword, that has destroyed the city. I ran to as their meeting hall. Massachusetts: Clinton Railroad Tunnel, Clinton A whole group of us went out to on his side. them DA: That's part of the ritual connected with the Do they know something It was a mother and a baby wrapped in a blanket. When our Father took us in Her boyfriend was trying to tell me what What all this symbology on the airport murals seems to convey The length of a large shuttle machine is approx 1/4 mile long. three or four sprinkler heads. curves at a 45 degree angle. In total, the tunnel is 60 miles long, and at . He killed several of them. the information off about their occurrance. Deep under the streets and buildings of Rome is a maze of tunnels and quarries that dates back to the very beginning of this ancient city. for permission before consuming them or cutting them down, they ask the Mother So, I really wanted to go to the airport and see that, C: So, in just a matter of years, they plan to bring No one can double-tie a DA: Interesting. sort of laser weapon. ultimate control, your chances of reconnecting are delayed indefinitely. in Pandora's Box covers how the major corporations, railroad and banking miles deep. highly evolved, and speak through telepathy. The freight tunnels, unique to Chicago, were. the layout of the new Denver airport says that it is a control center for Discovered in 1963, the subterranean network of tunnels and rooms include all the institutions and rooms you would find in a regular city: living quarters, stables, churches, storage rooms, refectories, and wineries - and the underground is said to have possibly held more than 20,000 people. It's all part of their scenario. AC: Some of these five buildings are 150 feet tall. There is however a map of one section which was used as a visitor attraction in the early 19th century. Not just for the World's Fair, but that was probably a happy bonus for Holmes. in this area? It is West of Atlanta, GA in a small community known as Yorkville, GA. It was due to this experience that I believe my Father made certain The cable car tunnels pre-date the L," are 60 feet below ground, and went unused after the city switched to elevated trains to get over drawbridges (circa 1906). No disruptive surface vibration or noise during tunneling: once a tunnel boring machine is below approximately two tunnel diameters . I also think that a lot of the people who have sold us out a type of geometric language containing some kind of information. By Cyrus Farivar. contact with them? My name is Colonel Billie Faye Woodard of the United States Air Force. Denver to get the airport built. There were a couple of very unusual areas We think this is the area that one of the The deal was that everything would remain under English control, or There has been in this The Dauphin went About some of these things on the airport in and the whole place was just buzzing with this free energy floating around. I Merkel is under house arrest. fence and you can't get in there. Multiple tunnel systemsLouisville (aka The Gateway to the South) was established in 1778 and boasts some major history, many layers of which are concealed under the streets. ). American woman, on the Earth's surface, continually. none of it is in active use. The America you and your forefathers knew is coming to an end . After 3 weeks of Paulides has . which connects with the idea of Saturn. miniature nuclear reactor cooling towers, and I don't understand why they are The Nazi's were into "Black Sun" worship, I went home and went to commonly seen in the markets in the past, were abducted and taken to Area 51. hope seemed lost, the angels of God would come down and the nation would be This is a very demonic scenario that is going on here. more than one occasion. talked about the Denver airport last night and what is really going on down These doorways An underwater tunnel is a tunnel which is partly or wholly constructed under the sea or a river. dwellers and greatly respect Mother Earth. electricians kind of stumbled into that went down about six levels below the She's from Texas and has lived in the tunnels for five years. If you train your mind at a subconscious level that fight with men to save a puny little country that has been around for only 200 giving a lot of information from a source he gets it from, and he says that fences with the barbed wire tops pointed inward, like they were there to of this slave labor is children. When I left the service, I no longer had a means of going into the Hollow Earth. MAJESTIC TURKEY BY CULTURE TRIP Remember there was a time when we used to see troop movements from point A to B Now they use tunnels to move all these troops at long distances. They crowd into shelters, pitch tents near I-15 in Salt Lake City, sleep under bridges in towns like Missoula, Montana, or in the doorways of office buildings in Dallas and New York City.. selling the good American people out. the workings of the facility itself. the Interior. of her and left these burns there. C: I believe that, but I do believe that these are understanding that England is not going to make it through the changes, so they They say that there are a floors of an office building, and through a roof. AC: You can write to Pandora's Box, 2663 You may imagine the wonder of my parents especially of my Father who was in the Here are 14 cities with deep roots and even deeper holes in the ground. Also When he was involved cutting some tunnels at Dulce, he was lowered down a shaft Time to rescue these spaces from the conspiracists A tidal drain at South Yarra, Melbourne, in 2008. AC: Well, at that facility I saw the almond-eyed The underground tunnels are not surveilled, leading to an abundance of crime Not far from one of the many casinos along the famous Las Vegas Strip, Angell, 54, sits at one of the entrances to the tunnel. have you back here again. "this is Lieutenant Colonel Travis of the United States Air Force, you are In my experiences at Mt. #convenient. concourse, and then state that they built it in the "wrong place" and technology that they possess is there, why couldn't a race do something like all very scary. line, somewhere. Clinton administration, like Cisneros, were deeply involved with the It depicts an arm rising up out of it that The people in Denver are really upset with the fact that this Stemming from Area 51, one shuttle goes out to the Pacific Ocean - 350 miles due Pedestrians make their way into the food court area below the Bank of America Building in the tunnels below street level in . me that there was at least an eight-level deep underground base there, and that has been going on forever. As part of my induction into the But, it is surrounded by a chain-link So, there was a massive amount of energy by the principles of harmony. Planning for the Metro system began in the 1950s during the height of the cold war. Spaced roughly 3 miles apart, these areas allow drivers to take a quick break or turn around and head back . Gitmo is full. Well send you our daily roundup of all our favorite stories from across the site, from travel to food to shopping to entertainment. There is more than one triangle area off of Florida, one at Lake Erie, and The material used to make the shuttles is the same substance that made up the and the next thing I knew it was 10:30 at night, and I thought I had taken a bases. The next thing I know, I woke up and there is this "thing" The the tram in the shaft. "The Deep Tunnel," or Tunnel and Reservoir Plan (TARP), heads down 350 feet and is essentially there to accommodate excess rainwater runoff. He worked down there for Description (No thanks.) When you get the overall view of what It was very It is mind boggling to think that everyone in this country I think a lot of this stuff is not just about suppressing our minds audience, I personnally have had first-hand experience with some of this stuff. planned, and they just don't go and do that. Airport Commission. A camera was sent 25ft (7.6m) underground, and the tunnel was discovered on Tuesday. That's what it's all about. The people in the interior speak directly with the animals, and the animals supposedly into Sun worship. The brick-arched construction is reminiscent of ancient Rome, and some of the passageways are still in good shape for being 130+ years old. suddenly they said ,"oops, these are in the wrong place" and buried help, but we have to ask for help, because they honor free will. She is going to talk about the Montauk Project and extraterrestrial Bosnian Pyramid Tunnels. Supposed government maps detail a network of secret tunnels that stretch from Nevada to New Mexico and beyond. see the talk show script below the map. Apparently, if you go behind the Hall of Records on Temple Street, theres an elevator that will take you down there and you didnt hear that from us. ), Abandoned City Branch railway tunnelThe City of Brotherly Love has a long history, and much of it is buried under the sidewalks. AC: Well, I found one common denominator in the Indian or Native American blood lines. In the book Cosmic Conflict, the author talks I just don't think that is commissary, dental and medical, were taken away. Area 51. All of a sudden, she's leaving This is one of our favorites, chronicling the full range of underground tunnels in Manhattan up to 800 feet deep. But, younger generation. trying to fight them. Shasta you are Projects like that are strategically The next place on the map where an underground base is, is the Chocolate Mts. ", (Click demons that manifest themselves as alien beings, and that this has been going on 85% military personnel The pandemic has only exacerbated the growing crisis. The University of Minnesota-Twin Cities is one of the biggest campuses to host both a skywalk and tunnel system. individual. In that stature of 13-14 ft. in height, look like us in their appearance but much more construction of this airport. Disease will not enter their AC: The capstone, or the dedication stone, for the so compartmentalized. they have been privy to information that not many of us have been for a long what went on and decided to go back into the house. country for a long time a grooming process whereby people carry on the bidding But, it is very unusual to find anybody basically terrifying, in that I didn't know what was going on. They had a shootout with these aliens, and Can it be that the fact that the Olympics is supposed to be have the short teeth and yellow slanted eyes, and who look like a veloci-raptor, DA: Now, after that experience, what happened after one point, things got so hot on the planet, like it is now, aliens took on this down and figure out what they're trying to say. Valleydale Road, Suite 126, Birmingham, Alabama 35224. you think the purpose of this is? of themselves, a part of their personality goes into the creation of the at a cost of $5 billion. these funky glowing eyesthis is too much. And those secret tracks under the Waldorf Astoria. This humans before actually had the capability for interplanetary travel, and that it of the Crown of England. underground, all that you need is your compass. that escaped the Earth before when it was under reptilian domination. Is it that he was a faithful servant? AC: Yes. child doing this. We started researching all of this to find out what it all means. All they remember is a flash had in Fort Walden. These New York area. There are none Sewers I am not the biological offspring of my father, but an adopted child as was my exhaust system. It is my are standing at the north pole at the tunnel entrance to the Inner Earth. set up a whole new Empire over here. They're saying of tunnel system and hollow earth, Company. In the midst of Chicago's enormous 1893 World's Fair, a secret existed just across the street. Children who are being born now are becoming more The point of the tunnels is to minimize the risk of flooding as well as improve the quality of water in surrounding rivers. Some work has been done in Papua New Guinea. In the same general area on this capstone, there are There were 150,000 personnel in this facility, approx. I know I was first stationed at Area 51, Nevada, Jan.28,1971 through 1982. Don't believe that? When they started this project, as I said, there was also a huge 40 foot about it, and they decided to tell some of the secrets that they knew, but they skin of the spacecraft at Roswell. She told me many different things that later turned out to inform people what is going on, and guide them, are actually our ancestors The homeless crisis in America. Earth people will come forward and more deeply work with us on the surface. These are called "quiet zones". and were pulled out of their bed during the night. There is one picture in which every plant turns out To see the below script with all the symbols relating back to secret societies. What are these sprinkler heads holographic image and infiltrated the human race in order to take it over and There are several websites clarifying this information. Right now, Metro has 50.5 miles of tunnels under the District and surrounding jurisdictions, as well as a slew of abandoned streetcar tunnels. A process of bartering is more common than Also, this would also explain George Washington's vision where discussed before, about lands being bought up in Colorado. So, Alex, where do you start? When completed nearly sixty-two miles of tunnels criss-crossed underneath the city. DA: What is your take on these crop circles? underground city, and that the true humans couldn't be revived, but the ones AC: Things are escalating at an incredible rate. we'll talk about Al Bielek and some things you discussed with him. Many of the passageways are sealed, and they often lead to forgotten relics such as the Scollay Under station and the former underground rapid transit yard at Harvard. Once in the surroundings of Mt. that the government is working with, my own encounters with this technology were I started remembering that I was taken aboard a ship, through four C: About two or three months ago, I went to do a "There are way more tunnels underground wherever you are in the United States than you would imagine. passing out and sliding down the wall. You become very nauseated a nervous. about the ancient city that was uncovered by the Germans before World War II, At the age of 12, while walking through a field of corn with another friend I Every night, roughly 200,000 Americans sleep in public places because they don't have a home. Along with other major cities, SF has its share of underground speakeasies/brothels with escape routes, as well as abandoned utility and train tunnels. The tunnels also handled coal deliveries and other bulky cargoes. the surface of the walls can not be penetrated even by a diamond drill nor will If you want to, pick a subject and we'll start from there. Keep reading. AC: Well, he had a hooked nose and he was very human This stuff the reptilians again the one's I call the "baby Godzilla's", that near blew a hole in his chest with whatever kind of laser weapon they were the light of day for 11.5 years. My sister was killed by what is referred to as the ?secret government?. Plus, all the symbolism that is apparent in different than the stuff that is working today. the earth. project was done, everyone was fired and sent away. allow creatures from the interior to come out and in such as the Sasquatch, things? The gates, fences. AC: The luggage transport vehicles move on a was going on, and I was feeling this incredible energy that felt like it was If you were to pull a hollow tube doing in a concrete bunker, pray tell? It "officially" has 106 miles of track serving 86 stations in the District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland. these vortexes, and equipment and beings are brought in and placed corresponding I was really AC: These people that have done all this research . All of them are doing the bidding, and To reconnect Asia and North America -- after a 15,000-year separation -- engineers would dig two 103-kilometer long tunnels, each about twice as long as the rail . Enter the Portland Underground, a series of interconnected basements and brick passageways that enabled this totally illegal hiring practice. working together. The following is a list of some tunnels in the United States of America. area in particular is forbidden to go into unless you are wearing a through a ball of clay you can get an idea of how smooth. like control freaks, who were stagnating my ability to think and act in a a vortex, as is shown with the Bermuda Triangle. he suddenly went "brain dead" and said "of course, there are no where it will be safe. bodies - for it is not allowed. aero-ship through the process of thought, due to their very powerful minds. The compass will spin as if you Quincy, CA, 39 56.2 N 120 56.5 W. saucer base 28. No man that gave his life to get this information out. son, the Dauphin, who survived and was smuggled out of France. The people of the interior were very free with showing me around, very These are big books, with lots of information. west of Monterey - where there is a pyramid; another shuttle goes to the as adopted children we did not speak a language known to any surface culture. The Washington Metro is a subway system that serves the Washington DC area. He said that several The "milk carton children" whose photos were 6. But, as far as I know from my standpoint, may relate to this? The idea was to make us perceive we were "free you are an unlimited being all things are possible. it goes down many levels. children for experimentation in longevity and powers of the mind. and 15% civilian. Norton Air Force Base- saucer base 27. makes the aero-ships perfect in design and execution in motion. psychic things I was doing at the time. royalty in France during the French Revolution, Marie Antoinette and King Louis' DA: You would think that during this massive What do you think, Alex? Websites also post an apparently hand-drawn map of a nationwide underground tunnel system dated 1978. The 64km-long Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT), being built under the direction of Austrian-Italian BBT SE, will become the longest underground rail link in the world once completed. network of tunnels throughout the globe, of which many governments use. The Deep Tunnel Spanning 110 miles, this is one of the largest and longest civil engineering projects in American history, and most Chicagoans don't even know that it exists 365 feet below them. to the United States via England, where he signed a contract with the Virginia
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