Scott McKay explains how Military Intelligence is exposing the operation to take over the United States of America. The the the other tool point thats where my phone because they didnt want me coming into the facility anymore because I cant wear a mask after my final phone appointment. In the beginning, they tried to give me a hard time now I just waved my way out the door. Then we went by default. And thats every. There are many ways cell advises for government and industry allies to accomplish this objective. These guys are forking liars. On April 12 2020. And I its a weakness that I have. Scott McKay Is An Accomplished Criminal Defense And Civil Litigation Attorney. At gates direction. I talked about Judy, Mike ovitz and again, being assaulted by another one of these King shit cops that show up to enforce illegal edicts on the citizens that have been perpetuated by all these political scumbags that are working for the Cabal powers. Major cabal murder power. Theres no statute number. "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, Scott McKay and Steve Stern - Part 2 | February 6th, 2023 Patriot Streetfighter Special guest, Steve Stern talks about how to get involved in saving the country with Save. There. I put the mask, I actually put it over my mouth. Because thats how these people are. Hes a Federal Reserve combat battles against Federal Reserve as a But anyway, and he says something that I really appreciate. Constitution and the Liberty is not possible as we have a free exchange system free market, if you want to call it that. Madonna calls their vaccine Madonna operating system. Great job. Choose Keagy's Best Price Plumbing for the quality plumbing work you deserve. Theres nothing they can. Thank you for your support. Believe me, its gonna come back. They dont they can see opportunity every day, they cant recognize it after a while get fat, lazy, stupid. Contact: 310.421.4053 Website: Email: Stations Revolution Radio Studio B Where Information Never Sleeps UP NEXT: 7pm Matrix Warriors: Jay Charles Parker 9pm Counterspeech 10pm The Decompression Hour 11pm Carrying Stones and Digging Holes: Bridgette Lyn Dolgoff See More Shows Well, its now that I look back. 1:08:49 In the first amendment, we have five rights are enumerated religion, speech, press, assembly and the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. And I can clearly see that I wasnt meant to be in that environment, because I would have never lasted and I wouldnt have any influence that would do anything any good. So yeah, because you guys dont want to hear a police record of this confrontation. Yep. Have you noticed that the legislators arent passing laws regarding this? One of the things I do is I am the founder and president of a nonprofit called the constitution Association. It says that for a reason. I got the badge and Im here to use it. Somebody somebody just mentioned that to me, theyre going to help with that. So you can call the police. This shit ends all of a sudden COVID is gone. I cant anyway. The government centralizing control, usurping it, taking it from the States, unconstitutionally, were going to talk about that in the next hour. Next thing she knows shes having skin burning sensations, heart palpitations, all kinds of stuff happening to her said theyre using an energy weapon on her microwave weapon. When it comes to finding a reliable plumber in Springfield, TN, then hiring our company is the right choice for you. So, you know, based on on this long term experience you have in studying the constitution and where we are now. The other side will be the ones that pray that its a peaceful revolution. Were activists, not just advocates, but activists, for our liberty, activists for our freedom. Everybody has a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and understand something about the pursuit of happiness. Were going to have. Why do you need a PR firm when youre trying to keep something completely hidden from the public? And they know eventually they deny it so much eventually. They dont they dont care about this being a Christian founded nation, they dont care about freedom, they care about one thing, power and control nothing more. This is what Im telling you, folks, they want the whole show, because this clown thinks there needs to be a central repository of data, facts and key messages, which means what they want to take everybody on earth and categorize every piece of information about you so they can do what you already know what they want to do. Here I am on your data. She notes with alarm that unrest due to false rumors and divisive messaging is rising and is exacerbating spread of the disease. Youre going out of business. And while were trying to get our stuff checked out, the manager comes up. Never Never. On patriot Street Fighter eight on YouTube, you have got to go watch this video. Ill let you fill in the blanks. Quote, I think just to build a little bit on what Admiral said, I think as in previous conversations, where weve talked about a centralization around management information or public health needs, there needs to be a centralized response around the communications approach. And then we pushed and finished and got in line. Why do you need a PR firm they need him to spend because theres a time when you tell the truth. And now what happens is, I dont know if its the same day or days later. maybe it wasnt you. 1:49:28 That winner on the website, they can donate. Its all disappearing instantly. And he says were not going to call places, thats fine. Thats the problem. Youre the only person that can guarantee your own safety and protection from this criminal empire. Even after you look at the rest of the world you. The hells he doing in this event roleplays the newscaster reporting on government measures. Thats the way the California Health code is written. And and if people in an area would just make a concerted effort, okay, this business owners, one of those people that keep requiring us to do this, lets just collectively say nobody goes in that business anymore. Reminds me of Eddie Murphy stand up. But lots of chatter about promoting uptake of new patentable antiviral drugs and vaccines. Youre missing the rise of human spiritual consciousness, the ascension opportunities. sector correlation matrix 2021; hamilton, ohio police department; german name generator fantasy. Therell be no surrender. As levels of trust fall and people stop cooperating with response efforts. Im going to segue for one second we did a show with clay Clark last Friday, we are talking about different things from religious order. Yet uncannily predicted democracies current crisis point number one. If youre principled, youre not putting up with this. And I just, you know, we started to have discussion. 1:04:02 So the administrator says I tell you what will let you does your doctor but will want the doctor to have extra protection. 627. 1:38:41 1:15:32 He says, Doug, the Constitution is the prize. The benefits society, it benefits them always. This incident made him quite famous and earned him Youtube Stardom. It attracts a different type of person on both sides of the aisle. All right, we already have our rights given to us. This is the tipping point revolution radio folks gonna take a short break, come back and were going to have Douglas Gibbs on for a great hour. I dont think I dont think that they can overestimate us. And and and this is something that we are willing to fight for. 1:35:27 These people continue to morph. Not being facetious here, folks. Because if that happens with me, theres no going backwards. I think Scotts got some gas over there. These are people that have true beliefs and principles. The whole point of this is I cant wear a mask. Im saying put your mask on, Im going to give you the same kind of answer. You know, theres no theres no other side. Heres the way it really is. 21:29 And this is no bullshit. The second time on my way into the back of Costco. A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. Now we are here. Because these people in power, the thieves, the thugs, the criminals, the murderers, the drug runners, the pedophiles, the human traffickers, traffickers, these people are the people that are in power, not just in this country, but in the world. Over the last two weeks, Facebook and other social media sites have deep platformed, the author here and many other critics of regulatory corruption and authentic authority, authoritarian public health policies. Ive picked Ive picked some battles where I actually wanted the outcome more than I wanted the principle of not wearing a mask. Also, this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. I you know, short of short of a manager now coming to talk to me, which Ive asked them to bring a manager over, right? And so I said okay, great. So they turn their tissue, that person I try to tell them before they know it, someone else is watching it, and it keeps happening 40 people every 30 seconds, and eventually, they get overwhelmed and they dont know what to do. All of you know what the facts are, in terms of the outbreak of this virus and the absolute tyrannical move thats been made on humanity. What are the actual written protections that we have to prove that Im right, that they dont have the power to do this? This bullshit over were going into store with no mass everybody here. Somebody is about to be torched. Does that mean every school board around the country, every city council, every legislator, every politician, Youre damn right, it does every last one of them. I havent had a single word sent to me at window. His shoes will be difficult to fill. Matrix Warriors. So which created which? Two predictions of decade long economic collapse will probably prove more accurate but only because of the draconian lockdown promoted by gates. His name is Alan Myers, fed as a site, and hes a forensic accountant. And no, actually the way its worded. I walk 30 steps inside to the back ovens. 1:52:18 Congress shall make no law shall not be violated, no soldier shall leave them alone, none of your business. So where are you going to call the police to remove me thats all the way Im leaving that or after Im done doing my business one of the other and he says no, were not gonna call the police. Its illegal and unconstitutional. He worked play-by-play at countless youth sporting events over the years, he received the OHSAA Media Service Award for the East District 19981999, and in 2014 he received the Ohio District 5 Hall of Honor Award from the Ohio High School Basketball Coaches Association. Youre one of my favorite people. Well, first of all, they have no authority to require us to wear a facial armband. stores like winco dont do curbside. They want the money. 7:41 almost at a time I do not want to miss repeat one more time the website where they can find you and your work. True, lets not lose this, we got some precious, we own something thats very, very, very incredibly precious. Hawks-Nest Studio-B . You know the places now youve got it down. In California, for example, California Health and Safety Code sections 101029110 30 110 40 110 80 and gives the countys health emergencies in health emergency certain powers and gives the county health officer have the authority to order quarantines, but none of the authorities listed includes quarantine healthy people. Gates told BBC. President Tanzania tells the world the day submitted tests performed on a papa. Just a battle a week and a half ago on this as the SS taken a whole year to get to this point. So we can educate enough people. So yeah, there are times when you have to just because it is and its frustrating. I got my be here, that screeching noise I got the arm of my chair rubbing on my desk because I move around and squirm a lot. theres going to be more and more people that are going to wake up to this bullshit somehow theyre going to wake up I know many of you look around and you think I dont think some of these people are ever going to wake up. So Im going to bring on Douglas v. Gibbs best selling authors wrote seven books on the subject. Radio called "The Tipping Point" where he has been branded as the Patriot Street Fighter for the people.
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